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  • Best skipping ropes to get you started
  • The 10 health benefits of skipping
  • The skipping rope workout for every fitness level
  • Best weighted skipping ropes for when you're ready to up your game

When you hear "skipping rope workout", the first thing that comes to mind is probably your childhood memories of jumping rope in the playground. Yes, it was fun - but is it actually a viable way to help get you fit?

It turns out, it really is! A skipping rope workout offers a whole host of benefits – it's a high-intensity full-body workout that's cheap, fun and convenient. All you need is a rope and enough space to skip and you can incorporate it into your routine whenever you have time. What more could you ask for?

Don't just take our word for it – a host of celebrities are also fans, jumping rope daily for its ability to deliver a great cardio or HIIT workout. The likes of Khloé Kardashian, Katy Perry, AJ Odudu and Kate Hudson are often seen skipping when they post their workouts on social media, and you're bound to have spotted TikTok star Lauren Flymen's incredible (and super-advanced) routines all over social media.

And of course, experts are quick to tell us just how good skipping can be for you.

"Skipping is a fantastic and simple exercise for weight loss and to keep you healthy," Olly Banks, a personal trainer at Fitness First, tells Cosmopolitan UK. "I would consider skipping a cardiovascular exercise and the benefits of this type of exercise are endless. For example, it trains your cardiovascular system, improving the function of your lungs, as well as helping to keep your heart healthy and strong. This also means you are less at risk of illnesses such as heart and lung disease."

Tempted to try it out for yourself? From the skipping rope workout routine that even beginners can nail to all the major health benefits, here's everything you need to know.

Best skipping ropes to get you started

Aside from the usual gym kit – a good sports bra and trainers are key (it's important to be comfortable... think of all that jumping) – the most obvious piece of equipment you'll need to get you started is, of course, a skipping rope. So, before we do our best to convince you about why you should give this form of exercise a try, here's our pick of the best skipping ropes out there:

Our top skipping rope picks
Opti Skipping Rope
Opti Skipping Rope
£8 at Argos
John LewisJohn Lewis 9ft Speed Skipping Rope
John Lewis John LewisJohn Lewis 9ft Speed Skipping Rope
Credit: John Lewis
Digital Counter Speed Jump Rope
Humbgo Digital Counter Speed Jump Rope
Now 18% Off
Credit: Amazon

The 10 health benefits of skipping

1. It's a great cardio workout

As personal trainer Maciej Felicjanski explains, "a skipping rope workout is one of the best cardio exercises you can do. Skipping regularly could reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke, coupled with a healthy lifestyle."

2. It can lead to weight loss (if that's your goal)

Skipping for weight loss is a common reason people pick up the rope, as you can burn up to 200-300 calories per session (based on half an hour of skipping a day). Thirty minutes might not sound like a lot, but once you get skipping you might feel differently. You might find yourself out of breath sooner than you'd think – but don’t worry if that's the case, it’s easy to up your stamina with regular practice. Remember, if you are trying to lose weight (if that's what's right for you), it's also important to eat a healthy and nutritionally rich balanced diet.

3. It's a great full-body workout

Forget separate leg and upper body days, a regular jump rope session will work muscles all over your body – for example, you wouldn't think it would work your ab muscles, but skipping forces you to engage your core to stabilise the body. "Skipping is an entire body workout. Your legs and calves will feel the burn but your arms, shoulders and core will tighten up, too," explains Yanar Alkayat, a level 3 personal trainer.

a woman skipping on the street
Milan Markovic//Getty Images

4. It can improve your focus

Because skipping involves using so many parts of your body simultaneously, the exercise requires you to use your brain more, and as a result could "improve coordination, stamina and focus," says Virgin Active trainer Dorota Maslewska. The benefits are real.

"When we skip, we really have to focus on the movement," agrees Fitness First's Olly Banks. "We have to make a lot of hand-eye coordination where the feet are learning how to make repetitive small and quick jumps. For those who may not feel comfortable, take it slow and aim to start with one-two minutes of skipping and build it up from there."

5. It's less stress on your joints

Skipping can be a great option if you need a lower-impact workout, as it causes less jolting on your joints than running. As Alkayat explains, "One study found that running can produce up to twice the impact on knees compared to skipping. That’s not to say you shouldn’t run, but if you want to mix up your cardio or give your joints a break then skipping could be a great supplement."

6. It's cheap!

If that expensive gym membership is draining your bank balance, skipping could be a great alternative workout for you. Once you’ve bought your rope, skipping is a zero-cost exercise that can be done almost anywhere – just avoid low-hanging lights or you'll be paying out for repair costs instead!

7. It mixes up your routine

Bored of your usual cardio routine? Skipping is a fun alternative to the treadmill or the cross-trainer.

"If you’re going to the gym four to five times a week or focusing on one exercise, grabbing a skipping rope and skipping outside or even in the gym can really help to mix things up a little bit," Banks says.

a woman skipping in front of a buildingpinterest
Getty Images

8. It can help with anxiety

Like many other forms of exercise, skipping can improve your mental health by releasing endorphins – feel-good chemicals that can boost low moods. "Increasing the blood circulation in your body and brain can help to reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression," adds Felicjanski.

9. It's a head-to-toe health boost

Skipping helps to improve heart rate and blood pressure. But it can also help you "boost your immune system, balance your metabolism, and improve your overall health in a short period of time," according to the British Rope Skipping Association. "Jumping or plyometric (jump training) work are amazing bone-building exercises, so you’re less likely to break bones or develop osteoporosis as you get older. This is particularly important for women, making skipping a great way to future-proof your fitness. Even if you’ve never tried skipping, it's never too late to start," adds Alkayat.

10. You can go at your own pace

One of the great benefits of jumping rope is that you can control how fast you want to go for, and for how long you want to skip

"It’s also an exercise where you can go at your own pace, create routines and have a little bit of fun while working out," Banks says. Remember, building up your workout over time and pushing yourself a little bit harder as you go is what’s going to improve your overall fitness.

The skipping rope workout for every fitness level

Now you're up to speed with all the benefits of skipping, it's time to get started. Fortunately, we've got just the thing: whatever your fitness level, Maslewska has the best skipping workout for you:

  • Beginner: 5-10 rounds; 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off; single unders (one rope rotation per jump)
  • Intermediate: 5-10 rounds; 1 minute on, 30 seconds off; single unders
  • Advanced: 5-10 rounds; 30 seconds on, 30 seconds off; double unders (two rope rotations per jump)

Best weighted skipping ropes for when you're ready to up your game

Once you've got the hang of jumping rope, and you want to give yourself another challenge, there is another way to step things up a level. Investing in a weighted skipping rope will make your body work that bit harder, making them great for building strength. Check out some of our faves below...

The best weighted skipping ropes
RDX Weighted Leather Skipping Rope
RDX Weighted Leather Skipping Rope
Pro Fitness Weighted Skipping Rope
Pro Fitness Weighted Skipping Rope
Valour Strike Weighted Skipping Rope
Valour Strike Weighted Skipping Rope