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The Darkflame Kabal - Update 6-05-11 - MOTHER - the dread Haemonculus!  [RSS] Share on facebook Share on Twitter Submit to Reddit
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Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

So after much preparation, I am finally revealing my in-progress Dark Eldar force: The Darkflame Kabal (name subject to change). [Pics below!]

I am not necessarily going with a specific theme, i.e. Wych Cult army, Haemonculi Coven, etc. (though this may also change) but am working on a variety of different units. I'm pretty ADD about the hobby, and am always hopping around a rotating set of different projects, but I am trying to at least build p a force i can put on a tabletop not too far down the road. With that in mind, here is what I am kind of working on right now:

-Archon (WIP)
-Haemonculi (1-3 WIP)

-Trueborn (WIP)
-Venom (for the Trueborn)

-Warriors (WIP)
-Raider for the Warriors (WIP)
-Wracks (WIP)
-Raider for the Wracks

(not sure yet)

-Razowing fighter

Without further ado, here are some pics of things that are built and ready for priming:

My female Haemonculus (named "Mother" she'll have a head from the Wyches set, the one with the dual ponytails ):

My Webway Portal:

And an almost finished Warrior, showing my basic color scheme:

My first Trueborn:

Some special helmets, for the Trueborn:

And some bare heads wearing skulls as masks (probably to be used for Beastmasters at some point in the future):

Any feedback, suggestions, or commentary much appreciated!


This message was edited 6 times. Last update was at 2011/06/05 23:20:20

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Mastiff wrote:Looking forward to seeing more of the haemonculous, the 'hairfire' is a great idea.

I assume that you're referring to the stuff underneath the Haemonculus' feet holding her aloft. I figure it's like magical fire or something, since the lower body for her comes from a IoB High Elf Mage model. I'm not sure what I want it to represent, or how to paint it, but it does look pretty cool, and adds to the "look at me, I'm a scary floaty Haemonculus" look

Thanks for all the encouragement guys! I have been keeping an eye out for DE plogs, but there aren't that many. Now that I finally settled on my purple-y scheme (I originally had a red scheme that I wasn't quite satisfied with), I am gonna try to get this force whipped into shape! I have two more Trueborn, my Warriors' Raider, a Wrack prototype, and a Grotesque prototype in the pipeline, as well as several warriors being painted. Keep your eyes on this thread for more Black-flamery!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

I got some models primed this weekend, since it finally got warm enough to do it! Yay for above-freezing temperatures! When I get some paint on them, I'll post more pics, but for the meantime, here are two more WIPs:

First off, my first Wrack!

I tried various other ideas for legs, but just couldn't find one I liked as much as the new Mandrakes. So I bought two boxes of Mandrakes, and will be converting them extensively. I am not going to do the usual totally-out-of-control mutated chaotic gribbly madness for my Wracks. It seems to me that Haemonculi have access to the most advanced tech in the entire galaxy - why can't their creations have some style? That's my personal take.

And another Trueborn. Jumping on the 5-man Blaster-iffic bandwagon (or band-Venom) here:

As always, love to hear feedback, comments, advice, critiques, etc.

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Igandris wrote:Looks promising.
Nice idea to use Mandrakes as a base for the Wracks and I love the stargate feeling I get from the Webway Portal. Engine of the Gods maybe? And the cloaks for the Trueborn are from the plastic Phoenix Guards, right?

A lot of folks have been using the WHFB Empire Flagellants bodies, and I tried that, with a Wych torso, but didn't quite like it. I LOVE the hakama that the Mandrakes are wearing, and liked the models, but had no plans of using Mandrakes in my list. Then a light bulb went off in my head, and here we are!

The Webway Portal is indeed an Engine of the Gods from the WHFB Lizardmen range. I was imagining that it's some super-ancient bit of alien technology that the Haemonculus/Archon has lying around. I bought the Stegadon just because it was so cool, and got the idea to use the Engine afterwards. There actually is a bunch in that kit that will end up decorating parts of my Kabal. It's a great kit. The portal got primed yesterday, and I am now trying to decide how to paint it. Anncient-looking stone? Ancient-looking metal?

And the Trueborn are indeed all dressed up in Phoenix Guard cloaks. Since it has a flame pattern along the bottom of the cloak, it fits perfectly into my army's theme. And since the Phoenix Guard are High Elves, the scale is exactly the same as Dark Eldar (Dark Elves too, and some of their bitz are in my conversions as well).

Hopefully tonight more pics. Thanks for the good words guys!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Saintspirit wrote:
catharsix wrote:And the Trueborn are indeed all dressed up in Phoenix Guard cloaks. Since it has a flame pattern along the bottom of the cloak, it fits perfectly into my army's theme. And since the Phoenix Guard are High Elves, the scale is exactly the same as Dark Eldar (Dark Elves too, and some of their bitz are in my conversions as well).

Hmm... Now a lightbulb went off in MY head! What about using those cloaks... on Fire Dragons?

BTW, what are you going to base your grotesques from (just an assumption that you will include that since you have a haemonculi as first HQ, I may be naive)?

Your assumption is correct! I love to convert, so the grotesques are an even bigger challenge than the Wracks. I am basing them off of IoB Rat Ogre torsos, with masked heads, and am still trying to figure out appropriate legs. Any suggestions welcome! If I was a better freehand GS sculptor, I would make hakama like the Mandrakes. But I don't think I could pull it off. I've thought about commissioning someone to do it for me, but haven't found anyone with the skills to do so yet.
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Saintspirit wrote:

catharsix wrote:I love to convert, so the grotesques are an even bigger challenge than the Wracks. I am basing them off of IoB Rat Ogre torsos, with masked heads, and am still trying to figure out appropriate legs. Any suggestions welcome!

Maybe use some of the FW Berserker Ogryns? They have masks...

If I was willing to pay FW prices! And also, I don't want the dirty/grubby/rickety look of the Nurgle-oriented FW renegades (se my commentary above about Wracks). I already have the masks - I am using the skull-faceplate mask thing from the Defiler kit (I have about 5 or so). The big problem I'm having is legs...
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Newt-Of-Death wrote:Lookin really good!

I havent seen many DE Blogs from highly skilled people yet and it looks like yours will be.

Any ideas where your going to get all the blast weapons from yet? Ive only got 1 warrior box and a couple of raiders so far, but the lack of special weapons in the boxes is going to make it difficult for the lovely trueborn 'band-venom' that weve not just jumped on, but won round the world tickets on!

Definately some nice ideas with the mandrake bodies for example. I can see the tactical and economical advantages whilst being able to make use for these nice models!

Looking forward to seeing some paint! Hopefuly you work faster than me. Im holding my blog off til I get a head start with it otherwise it will go as stagnant as my space marine one lol.

Thanks for the praise! I think I am a better converter than painter - but I have ~4 or so Warriors almost finished, so when I get them done, y'all can be the judge

As to where to get Blasters, it can be tricky, and they can be expensive. I personally use this site very frequently:


They don't ALWAYS have everything in stock, but they restock WAY more often than any webstore I know of. They have very good customer service, and their prices are very reasonable, even if you're in the USA or Canada, and are paying for international shipping. I have been buying from them for about a year, and make a purchase every other month or more. Also, you can try your luck on eBay, but more often than not individual high-demand bits like blasters will get bid up to around $7 or more, so you might as well just buy them from a webstore.
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Howdy folks, long time no update :( That's the grad student lifestyle - hustlin' for the man for peanuts while you're figuring out the big secrets to life, the universe and everything (which will also get you exactly peanuts. But here are some WIPs.

First off, my Warriors' Raider, in my general army color scheme:

Close-up of front hull decoration:

And as reference here's another Warrior I finished (mostly):

And I'm almost done with my first Trueborn! He'll have a power sword in his left hand, and a shield bracing the left arm:

Side view:

Back of cape - flamey!

As always comments, advice, criticism, lavish praise heartily accepted!
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Newt-Of-Death wrote:Nice!

Was a bit scared when I saw the Raider at first glance, but then I saw its a work in progress, which was apparant after seeing the warriors.

I see youve gone for the greeney glow! I intend to do something a bit like that too but I want it to be a bit more subtle. Got myself some Vallejo fluo green.

The flames are a nice touch too and the 2 tones of purple go really well together.

Tried them out much in game yet? Ive got 2 1.5k games tomorrow for our tournament thing. Eldar and a rival Dark Eldar kabal I think. Well I hope, otherwise its eldar then wolves! And my army list will be balls.

I see you like your Douglas Adams! Fellow fanatic myself.

Thanks for the kind words. I did some more work on this stuff today, and I'm happy with how the Trueborn in particular turned out. More pics of finished stuff later.

I pcked up a few more paints today including a lighter yellow-y greeney color to highlight that even more. We'll see how it works out.

As to playing, I don't even have enough stuff assembled for a game! I am gonna hang out with my only local gamer friend on Monday, and we may play a game with his armies (nids and sisters) but it will be a little time before I can field a force. Good luck on your battles though! Tell us how you slaughtered them!

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/03/05 07:00:12

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

My digital camera went missing for a few days, but I finaly found it, so here are some more updates!

First off, I finished my first Trueborn:

I'm working on more blaster-boys, just like every other DE player out there...


a couple individuals:

(sorry for the fuzziness of a couple of the pics)

I am trying to focus on getting a full 10-man squad of Wracks assembled and primed so I can begin painting them as my other Troops Choice. Also, finishing Raider, Warriors squad, and the female Haemonculus.

As usual, commentary greatly appreciated!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

I finally painted up a Wrack! I have 5 primed, and now that I have hammered out the color scheme and method, I hope to be able to get them done quickly. I am also working on an Angels Encarmine army as well as an incipient Necron force (in anticipation of their eventual re-release) so I haven't been making very fast progress. But without further ado, here is WRACK #1:

As you can see, I used the Mandrakes as a base for these guys. I like the Mandrake models, but not their rules, but do plan to populate my army with a bunch of Wracks, hence the conversions. Now that I've gotten a glimpse of the Wracks that will be released soon, I'm satisfied that they will go together relatively well. Though the Mandrakes are in WAY more dynamic poses than the rather stiff (but otherwise pretty cool) Wrack releases.

I'll try to post more pics soon. Like I said, I should be able to update more frequently, as school has ended and I've gotten a system for the scheme for these guys. C & C alsways encouraged and appreciated. Thanks Dakka!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

RiTides wrote:I love your wracks! (Came here from the DE N&R thread where you linked to it). Using the mandrake legs/torsoes is a great idea...

Do their arms and head come separate, or did you have to hack them off?

Thanks! I'm glad my shameless, off-topic plug for this plog got a little crossover traffic

The Mandrakes come in 2 pieces: The body, head, and weapon-holding arm is one piece. The other arms (the left I believe) with the spooky dark-space-elf-fire is a separate piece. So I hacked off the head (though after painting him, I think that I should have carved off the hair that is fowing down the back, but too late now). I also carefully cut off the right arms, and kept those bits for potential conversions or trades. Anyone who wants 10 or so sinister looking blades attached to arms for quick and easy sinister conversions, drop me a PM! (Actually I have a bunch of great metal bits, like the Archon stuff etc.).

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Grie Velorn wrote:I like the Wracks, I see why you sold me the other ones these look sick. And I like the conversions you have done for the Trueborn as well, also where did you get the legs for the homunculus? They look fantastic.

Thanks man! The wrack stuff I sold you is easier conversion material, since it's all plastic, and I REALLY hate working with metal, but I just really like the hakama the Mandrakes are wearing.

The Haemonculus' lower body is from the Island of Blood WHFB box starter game High Elf Mage. One or two other folks ahve used a similar conversion (though I think we all came up with the idea completely independent of each other). You can get the fig for just a couple of bucks on eBay usually.


This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/05/24 14:01:21

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Medium of Death wrote:As others have said before me; Awesome wracks. I may have to 'borrow' this idea with some of the smaller talo's arms when it's released.

Great conversions throughout. Look forward to the next update.

By all means, borrow, steal, rip off my ideas! At least 50% of the best ideas I use in my own conversions are taken straight-up from other modelers better than I And your idea of using those tasty Talos bits for conversions is one I'm going to "borrow" from you!

I should update shortly - I'm going to try painting like, 3 Wracks all at the same time. And after that, probably the Haemonculus, so I have someone to lead them.

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

I got two more Wracks painted up today. Pretty generally pleased with how they're turning out. I'm kinda on the fence about the new Wracks - I like the concept and general design, but the static poses I'm a little disappointed with. And what with all the debate/uncertainty of the quality (or lack thereof) of the new Finecast stuff... well, I guess I'm a little relieved that I have these guys already converted, and now have a paint scheme/technique going.

Without further ado, here are the newest member of the Coven!

It's all fun and games until someone gets their eye poked out with a long pointy stick...


Edward is the star of the Commorragh High School Track Team

With the first completed guy; Family photo time!

From the back:

Next up, probably more Wracks, but hopefully ~MOTHER~, my Haemonculus of the fairer sex!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

The Fragile Breath wrote:Loving your conversions and painting, I especially like the helmets on the Wracks, they look sick!

Also, would you mind giving me some tips on painting Warrior helmets? Thus far, I've just been leaving them black because I have no idea how to go about it.

Well, i have recently changed my basic paint scheme for warriors, but here's how i'm doing it:

-basecoat black
-drybrush Imperial Purple (Warlord for Vallejo)
-drybrush Nauseating Blue (Sick Blue for Vallejo)
-drybrush Liche Purple (Hexed Lichen for Vallejo)
-highlight Liche Purple

so you could maybe try this gradual drybrush/highlighting process, substituting for the super-dark0blue/purple color of my scheme with whatever color your scheme is. i used to have a CSM army where i used basically the same technique, but starting with purple and drybrushing up through dark blue to light blue. it was pretty cool, and an easy way for painters of only medium talent to get nice effects.

as to the Trueborn, he is based with bone color, washed with flesh wash, and then drybrushed with bone again, and then highlighted with bone. pretty simple.

if there's any further questions you have about my painting or suggestions, just post 'em here, and i'd be happy to do some more armchair painting advice

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Foxtale wrote:Chainsaw hands?! Why didn't I think of that??? That's awesome on SO MANY LEVELS.

Actually, this is an Idea that I stole from myself! I made a similar conversion for my possessed/berzerkers in the CSM army that was my main army when I played back in 2001-2004. I sold off that army, which had a bunch of neat conversions when I came to graduate school in 2005. I was out till I returned from Japan about a year ago, but all the awesome new stuff (particularly the new plastic sets) that had come out in that time got me back in. It's like the mafia, you can't ever *really* leave...


Automatically Appended Next Post:
PS-I am working on "Mother" the female Haemonculus whose WIP is pictured in one of the earliest posts, right now. about 75% done painting her. Hope to post pics within a day or two, but that depends on how raucous the TWO parties I am going to tonight will be...

This message was edited 1 time. Last update was at 2011/05/31 16:17:29

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Indeed! I thought a female Haemonculus might be even creeper than a male one. And I'm using a Wych head, so she looks nice and young... I think I will make her minimally gore-spattered, as if she floats casually above the carnage, allowing her "children" (i.e., the Wracks) to do the dirty work while she "supervises"...
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Xelkireth wrote:I'm loving this army so far. Wicked conversions. Awesome paint. If you're going with a Coven theme and using such awesome conversions... You HAVE to do a Hellraiser themed Haemonculus.

thanks! for the meantime, MOTHER is being painted like the Wracks - the skirt and armor being the same subtly highlighted purple. but if i get a Finecast GW Haemonculus (which i am not 100% sold on - i have a couple other options for converting Haemonculi) then i will likely do his robe in a glossy black leather scheme. stay tuned to see how that works out!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Xelkireth wrote:I love your MOTHER conversion. What bits did you use for her? Maybe give us a little tutorial?

She's not actually all that complicated. Here's a basic breakdown:

The backpack is a DE Warriors Dark Lance power pack. onto that i added a Necron Warriors arm, and I put a Wych close combat chain blade on the end of that in place of the hand. the Chains are from the Raider set, as is the spike sticking up with the skulls on it. The little bulbous part sticking out above the Necron arm is from an Eldar Starcannon.

As for the body, the lower body is a High Elf Mage from the Island of Blood set. the torso an arms are DE Warrior parts, with the right arm being a Splinter Pistol. I clipped off the barrel of that and added a partially cut down barrel of a Shredder (the idea was to make a Needle Pistol, but I doubt I'll actually use that piece of wargear). the head is an ordinary female Wych head, and the left arm shoulder pad is from the Hellions. I think that's pretty much it. I'm not the only one to have used the High Elf Mage body from the IoB set, I think.

Painting of MOTHER is nearly done, so keep your eyes peeled for an update on her shortly!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Xelkireth wrote:Thanks for the breakdown.

I can't wait to see the painted MOTHER.


I got sidetracked with my Angels Encarmine (or is the Dark Eldar project a sidetrack from my Angels Encarmine?) Been making Tac. Marines, Characters, and planning lists. But I am gonna try to finish up MOTHER tonight!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

As promised, here is MOTHER!




"I'm ready for my closeup, Mr. Deville!"

And a family portrait!

I need to touch up a detail or two, but then it's off to paint two more primed Wracks, and more work on the Angels Encarmine. Tomorrow I should also get my shipment of a Talos, Venom and Scourges, so I may end up playing around with new creations before I get much more done with these guys on the work bench. But I reckon y'all know how that is!

Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

Thanks again! At first I didn't plan on getting Scourges, but as soon as I saw the new plastics... well, I couldn't resist. I will probably do a couple Scourges first of the new stuff that's coming to me. I think I'll re-work my Raider (see first page) to re-figure out my paint scheme for vehicles (I just wasn't really feeling it) before I tackle the Venom (and, in a few weeks, the RAZOWING!)
Made in us
Morphing Obliterator

The Frigid North of Minneapolis

DarkStarSabre wrote:Oh mother you minx. With your twin tails. Love the pose but her neck....is there a plate or something there we can't see due to the lighting?

Her neck may look a little funny because it isn't actually glued yet - I have it pinned, and just stuck it on for the pictures. The backpack isn't glued yet either, but when they are, she probably will look a touch more natural. That said, I know the fac paintjob isn't that hot. I'm not very good at painting such tiny faces, which is one reason 99% of my models are wearing helmets I really wanted this particular character to have no helmet though, to underscore the fact that this is a female Haemonculus, and her "youth."

Today I should get my Talos and Scourges and Venom! Oh I love new toy day!

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