Texas Tech University

Honey Mesquite

Prosopis glandulosa
Deciduous-Shrubs / Deciduous-Trees

(Detailed plant information can be found at the bottom of the page.)
Prosopis glandulosa

Prosopis glandulosa Photo Gallery

Prosopis glandulosa Plant Information

Scientific Name: Prosopis glandulosa
Common Name: honey mesquite
Family: Fabaceae
Suggested Uses: considered a weed tree across much of the region
Plant Form: large shrub to medium tree
Height: 20 - 30 feet tall
Spread: 25 - 40 feet wide
Foliage: alternate, deciduous, long-petioled, bipinnately compound with 2 (or 3) pairs of pinnae, and 12 to 20 pairs of leaflets

each leaflet up to 2 inches long
Flower: creamy white, 3 to 5 inch long drooping catkins

fragrant, but often a source of allergens
Bloom Period: mid- to late Spring, sporadically thereafter
Fruit: pod
Bark: reddish brown
Sun: full sun
USDA Zone: zones 7 - 10
Maintenance: thorns can be liability and can limit use

large coarse taproots hinder successful transplant of large-sized trees
Additional Notes: extremely tough plant; thousands of acres of West Texas would have no trees if not for mesquite

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