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Limitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life

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From limbless to limitless – anything is possible with God!
Nick Vujicic knows there is no greater hope than trusting in God’s plan for your life. Born without arms or legs, Nick has experienced both the peak of hope and the depth of despair. But he has overcome his circumstances and physical limitations by clinging to his faith and understanding the limitless love and power God has for every person.
Now he wants you to experience that same reassurance of hope and the power of God, everyday. In these fifty inspirational devotions, Nick shares his most compelling, hard-earned wisdom to help you face obstacles with confidence and courage and point you toward God. Whether you struggle with faith, relationships, career challenges, anger, health concerns, self-esteem, finding balance, or doubt in your dreams, Nick’s biblical encouragement and positive attitude will transform your life and show you that you can be limitless because God is limitless.
“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, forever and ever! Amen” (Ephesians 3:20-21).

176 pages, Hardcover

First published January 1, 2013

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About the author

Nick Vujicic

63 books950 followers
Nicholas James Vujicic (Serbian: Николас Џејмс Вујичић, Nikolas Džejms Vujičić) is a Serbian Australian evangelist and motivational speaker born with tetra-amelia syndrome, a rare disorder characterised by the absence of all four limbs. As a child, he struggled mentally and emotionally as well as physically, but eventually came to terms with his disability and, at the age of seventeen, started his own non-profit organisation, Life Without Limbs. Vujicic presents motivational speeches worldwide, on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life. He also speaks about his belief that God can use any willing heart to do his work and that God is big enough to overcome any and all disabilities.

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews
October 19, 2019
You and I should do whatever we can to keep our youthful joy alive. If your life is too predictable, don’t go postal. Take a ridiculous ride back to whatever it was that gave you joy as a child. Jump on a trampoline. Saddle up a pony. Give adulthood a rest. (c)
10 reviews7 followers
April 8, 2013
This is Nick's first Christian devotional book. Being a Muslim, I was at first hesitant if I should buy this book. But I did anyway, because I've always been attracted to know about this guy with no limbs.

When I first know him, I had a question in my mind; How can this man lives his life very well, being able to inspire millions of people despite of the missing 'bits and pieces' he has.
Then I read this book and I found the answer- this man understands very well that God had not brought him into the world w/o limbs to punish him but He had an incredible plan for Nick- and for each one of us too.

This book is intended to draw peole closer to God. Although the author has completely different belief in terms of foundation of faith with me, he did help me to think of how big- and limitless is the mercy of Allah, as his outlook in lives are somewhat parallel to what's told in Qur'an too.He got me to think a lot about being grateful with one's life and to contribute to others despite of our weaknesses.

"If u have faith, you will find, as I have, that God's vision for yout life is greater than anything you might imagine. God doesnt make mistakes" Nick Vujicic
Profile Image for Dana Rongione.
Author 31 books38 followers
June 19, 2013
"God will cause even the worst things to come together for good. Hold on to the promises of God, no matter what you see on the outside. God is good. If He allows something bad to happen, you may not understand it, but you can hold on to His goodness." - Nick Vujicic, Limitless, Chapter 20

Born with no arms or legs, motivational speaker and author, Nick Vujicic has a different outlook on life than most. He shares that outlook, along with other words of wisdom, in his new devotional book, Limitless. This collection of fifty short devotions is made up of snippets from his other books, but it is laid out in an entirely different format. Each devotion includes a Scripture passage, an inspirational story/challenge, and a motivational closing quote. I must admit, however, that the Scripture and the actual devotion don't always go together. At least, the author doesn't always tie his message to the Scripture. Don't get me wrong, the messages are good and true, but if you are looking for an exposition on various Scriptures, this is not the right book for you.

What I love most about Nick's book is his honesty. He makes no qualms about admitting his times of failure or discouragement. In fact, his admissions are like a breath of fresh air to the reader who is wondering, "Is it just me? Am I the only one who feels this way?" Not only does Nick expound on his problems and faulty outlooks, but he also details the remedies that helped him make it through those situations. Readers are certain to be encouraged, inspired and motivated.

All that being said, this is not your typical devotional book. While it does contain Scripture and the author does mention God on numerous occasions, the book as a whole reads more like a self-help manual than a typical devotional book. The book is full of inspiration but not much education. It leaves you feeling challenged but not necessarily with a better understanding of Scripture. Though I typically prefer devotionals with a lot of "meat" to digest, I still truly enjoyed Limitless and highly recommend it, especially to those who are in need of encouragement.

This book was given to be by Waterbrook Multnomah in exchange for an honest review. The opinions expressed in this review are mine alone.
Profile Image for Jason Isaacs.
26 reviews2 followers
August 6, 2013
Reconsidering Our Limits

The story of Nick Vujicic’s life as detailed in “Limitless: Devotions for a Ridiculously Good Life” is humbling. Born without arms or legs, Nick has learned to adapt to life without limbs and has accomplished more than most people believe they are ever capable of doing. He gives an honest account of the challenges he and his family have wrestled with since his birth, and shares how learning to forge a deeper relationship with God has led to joy and a fruitful ministry.

Nick says the title “refers not to my abilities or your abilities but to God’s limitless love and power.” He does an effective job of keeping God’s power as the central theme of the book; it would be easy for the exceptionality of his situation and personality to overpower the message that God has been his source of strength. Nick clearly gives God the glory for the work He is doing. At the same time, Nick challenges the reader to consider what self imposed limits we put on ourselves. As I read the book, I was forced to consider whether or not I am properly stewarding the gifts and talents God has given me.

“Limitless” is considered a devotional book; however, I would recommend reading it as an inspirational book. Nick clearly shares how his faith and his challenges are integrated, yet the readings do not take the reader back to Scripture. Each reading opens with a Scripture passage, yet the readings do not interact with or examine the passages. The layout of the book does not undermine the poignancy of the message, therefore I recommend reading the book as a casual or inspirational read.

I recommend this book for anyone who wants to be challenged about his or her own effectiveness. Nick demonstrates that a life surrendered to God will be fruitful. The limits we place on our life are missed opportunities for the power of God to be displayed in us: when we are weak, He is strong. Nick shows that we are all in the same situation- we are completely dependent on a loving and powerful God to provide us with meaning and an abundant life.

Nick’s joy is evident in his stories. He shares a variety of funny, interesting, and candid vignettes about his experiences. He is clear that his challenges are real and that he would love to experience a miracle, yet at no point does he invite pity. Nick’s message is clear: he challenges his readers to trust God with our self imposed limits. “When people read about my life or witness me living it, they are prone to congratulate me for being victorious over my disabilities. I tell them that my victory came in surrender. It comes every day when I acknowledge that I can’t do this on my own, so I say to God, ‘I give it to You!’ Once I yielded, the Lord took my pain and turned it into something good, which brought me real joy.”

I received a copy of this book from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group for review.
Profile Image for Justin.
431 reviews
May 1, 2013
I received this book for free from Blogging for Books. I am not obliged to write a positive review, but to give me true feelings. I am obligated to notify that I received it for free, though.

I had the opportunity to see Nick speak once live and I was moved by his story and loved his humor. He is truly a wonderful speaker and a committed Christian devoted to God. He brings positivity and a whole different outlook to God. When I saw this as an option to read, I instantly requested to review it.

I am glad I did.

This is a devotional book and even though it is in the title, I somehow missed that (duh). In the intro, he says that this is not from new material, but from his previous two books. This may be disappointing to some, but since I never read his other two books, it was new to me. For fans who did read his other two, this is not new stuff, except probably the prayer portions at the end, but that is just a guess.

The idea is that it is meant to be read daily for inspiration and a bit of uplifting. The book is very positive. There are many references to the fact that he was born without arms and legs which is a big part of his ministry, so it is an obvious go to. It might be hard for others to relate to, but the focus is, if I could be faithful and overcome with my condition, you can too. As I wrote, it is a positive message, it is well written, and it was humorous at points.

Worth the read.
Profile Image for Claudia.
78 reviews4 followers
May 31, 2013
I love Nick Vujicic. He is handsome, articulate, inspiring and amazing...and he also happens to be missing both arms and both legs. Born with what most might describe as a ‘catastrophic disability’ Nick has allowed God to mold him into someone who is MORE than than he would be if he had all his limbs.

Limitless, Nick’s new devotional book, is full of 50 power-packed chapters, each bringing a different message of encouragement, hope and inspiration. Few of us live lives that are so perfect that we don’t need encouragement and I found myself thinking of numerous people for whom this book would be a wonderful gift.

Whether you are facing a setback or beginning a new chapter in life, Nick’s book has something for you. No pity parties allowed! You’ll love this book! I promise!

*Waterbrook Multnomah provided me with a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review*
Profile Image for Trang Lê Thị Kiều.
40 reviews3 followers
May 27, 2020
Niềm tin vào chính tôn giáo của mình, là đức tin! Bạn sinh ra trong đời đã là một điều quý giá và mang trong mình những sứ mệnh lớn lao như chính Nick Vujicic vậy!
Profile Image for Neeka Rogers .
69 reviews6 followers
May 12, 2013
Every story is so inspirational. I picked up this book and couldn't put it down. What an amazing person with an incredible look on life. He has taught me so much about life! I will teach and show my son all about Nick and his incredible heart. A must read!
Profile Image for Nurulhazira.
43 reviews
August 4, 2013
This is such a compelling read. I did not regret reading this book at all. Thank you, Nick Vujicic, for making your words open my heart and mind. You moved me. I'm definitely going to reread this book whenever I need a boost.
Profile Image for Klaudia Nogajczyk.
222 reviews4 followers
December 29, 2018
"Gdy życie daje Ci same cytryny, zrób z nich lemoniadę". Być może dla niektórych, człowiek bez rąk i bez nóg będzie "wynaturzeniem", będzie wzbudzał jedynie litość, i nie będzie odpowiednim przykładem, że można żyć lepiej i pełniej. Nick to postać wyjątkowa, pod każdym względem, jego życie "nie było usłane różami" od samego początku. Musiał zmagać się z tym, co większość z nas, dostała od Boga tuż przy narodzeniu. Upadki zahartowały go, a nieliczne wzloty umocniły. W swojej książce "Bez granic" Nick podzielił się ze swoimi czytelnikami 50 inspirującymi rozważaniami na temat tego jak można lepiej i pełniej żyć, jego wskazówki są bardzo cenne, poparte na przykładach ludzi, których spotkał na co dzień. To już bodajże trzecia książka Nicka Vujcica, którą miałam przyjemność przeczytać i zdążyłam wybrać ulubione zdanie "jeśli ja mogę, to Ty masz jeszcze większe możliwości, aby zmienić swoje życie na lepsze". Polecam!
Profile Image for Javier.
147 reviews6 followers
December 6, 2016
Con solo 11 meses y unos días de retraso, ya cumplí mi meta de 2015.
Y despues de tanto tiempo entre el libro 99 y el 100 de Goodreads, me doy cuenta que no tengo en el historial al Guardián entre el centeno.

Pero bueno, al Libro.

Es muy difícil contradecir los argumentos de Nick Vujicic, pero también es difícil solamente tratar de aprender y usar algo de esa fortaleza de la que habla en la vida de uno. Aún así, tiene historias interesantes con esa mezcla de profundas y sencillas que te pueden hacer reflexionar, antes de que te distraigas en 10 o 15 segundos. Y eso sí, los temas mejoran conforme avanza el libro.

Lo leí a uno o dos capítulos diarios, releyendo los capítulos del día anterior, y me funcionó muy bien para un libro de este tipo de escritura. Buscaré alguna otra obra de él en 2017.
Profile Image for Nguyễn Quốc Nam.
85 reviews8 followers
March 17, 2018
Nick mặc dù anh không tay, không chân nhưng tâm hồn a thực sự đáng khâm phục, có những ngời 20 tuổi đã chết với tuổi trẻ, chỉ mong nhanh già để hưởng thụ thú điền viên, lãng phí tuổi trẻ, không làm những điều mình thích và tăng trải nghiệm trong đời. Còn Nick đã cho tôi thấy cái quan trong nhất vẫn là cách nghĩ của bạn, cho dù ngooài kia, mọi người đang làm gì, suy nghĩ như thế nào nhưng bạn có lập trường riêng và có thái độ tích cực khi nhìn nhận một vấn đề. Khi đọc những tâm sự của Nick, làm cho tôi thêm nghị lực sống và song ý nghĩa hơn, song cho tuổi thanh xuân của tôi
Sống để trải nghiệm, để hết mình và khám phá hết giời hạn bản thân ;)
Profile Image for QW Leong.
32 reviews2 followers
May 20, 2018
“We humans are a silly bunch. We spend half our time trying to fit in with the crowd and the other half trying to stand out from it.”

Who isn’t impressed with Nick’s faith and strength in life, that somehow making us feels ashamed by our complains on failure. I’m not a fan of self help or devotion section in the bookstore. I found that I’ve lack of understanding the need of reading something that I could’ve tell myself but I just didn’t do it. I zone out on and off while reading this, as my commuting book before work when I reach my office early. Easy read, but it just didn’t catch my attention.
January 9, 2019
Khi bạn luôn than thân trách phận và bi quan , buồn chán bạn sẽ phát ra một từ trường và một làn sóng tiêu cực có khả năng thu hút những điều tích cực khác xung quanh và từ vũ trụ đến với bạn, làm bạn càng gặp nhiều thất bại

Nick thì không cần bàn tới vì anh là một tấm gương làm động lực cho hết thảy mọi người kém may mắn trên thế giới này nhưng Sách này không biết là dịch thuật hay cách viết của tác giả chưa làm lay động đến bản thân tôi. Nên rất tiếc mình chỉ đánh giá nó 3/5 . Tôi sẽ chọn một cuốn sống của Nick " Cuộc sống không giới hạn " .Hy vọng nó không làm tôi thất vọng
Profile Image for Bình  Lê.
18 reviews1 follower
November 22, 2017
Ý nghĩa, khá sâu sắc.
Tôi nghĩ Cuốn sách như một loạt diễn biến tâm lý đi từ cái cơ bản --> cái cần thiết --> Cái nâng cao của đời sống tinh thần,được viết bởi một Con người hiện tượng Nick Vijicic. Những câu chuyện truyền cảm hứng mang sức mạnh truyền tải to lớn, đánh vào trong tâm thức của mỗi Người,để rồi một ngày mai sẽ tươi sáng hơn, đầy niềm tin soi rọi con đường tuy đó chông gai mà chẳng trong gai đâu (Vì ta có đặt trong giới hạn của Ta mà thôi!)
Cảm ơn tác giả!
Profile Image for Sheryl Baker.
175 reviews1 follower
May 24, 2019
This is a great devotional. There are 50 chapters. They begin with scripture and end with a life lesson. Nick's testimony, experiences, and the stories he's heard from others are woven within the pages of this book. It is very inspiring and helps put our problems in perspective when we see what he has accomplished without having arms and legs.
31 reviews
April 28, 2020
Anh một người luôn tin vào Chúa, luôn tin vào việc Chúa đưa a xuống trần gian với thân hình như vậy là mang một sứ mệnh to lớn. Luôn tin là mọi sự xảy ra đều hướng tới những điều tốt đẹp. Thật sự cảm phục con người a, cảm thấy mình thật nhỏ bé so với những gì a đã mang đến cho mọi người. Một con người truyền cảm hứng cho hàng triệu người trên thế giới.
Profile Image for Diego.
99 reviews
May 28, 2021
La verdad no me motivo tanto como esperaba, creo que Nick en sí ya motiva, he visto sus videos y son muy buenos y motivadores, pero este libro no lo considero así, además está muy inclinado a la religión, soy creyente y todo, pero no me gusta invlinarme mucho en esos temas.
En general es buen libro y te dará buenos consejos, no perderás el tiempo al leerlo.
This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.
Profile Image for Jo.
523 reviews2 followers
October 27, 2021
For someone who already read the previous book, this one was only repetition, offered nothing new, but easier to chew
I don't think I would be tempted to read other books by Mr. Vujicic. Don't get me wrong, I admired his courage and ability to laugh at himself, but the way he expressed it with words just not up to my taste
Profile Image for Joanna.
13 reviews1 follower
February 20, 2020
I am not a fun of biographies. Nick Vujicic is equally well spoken as good read however. Feelling miserable? Think that life is a torture and offers nothing but pain and disapointments? Try this one... and see what happens.
Profile Image for Juan Nicolás.
23 reviews2 followers
July 17, 2020
No me gusto para nada el libro, me hice falsas expectativas y resultó un libro lleno de anécdotas vacías y consejos que se han dicho por muchísimas personas, cosas muy obvias y sin profundizar en su historia.
Profile Image for Susan.
606 reviews
March 12, 2019
This was an amazing story/ inspiration. Chapters are short for quick reads and very thought provoking. I think it would be an excellent read for teens and young adults struggling with life’s issues.
Profile Image for Nhat Nguyen.
47 reviews9 followers
October 14, 2019
A so so self-help book. You'd rather read his previous book "Life without limits" unless a big fan of Nick Vujicic.
Profile Image for Kayla Le.
17 reviews
June 25, 2020
Cuốn sách truyền cảm hứng nhẹ nhàng nhưng rất tuyệt của Nick! Cảm ơn anh chân thành!!
Displaying 1 - 30 of 96 reviews

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