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These are the 35 coolest men under 38 (and a half)

What a difference four years makes. In 2010, when we last ran our Cool List (come on, if anything's allowed to be fashionably late, it's this) our rundown of the men defining style, shaping culture and appropriating the national conversation - and doing so above all others - took in a very different set. Completely different, in fact, and that tells us something about what it means to be one of the coolest people around. Something simultaneously invigorating for those whose stars are rising and dispiriting for those who are already there: it's tied up with time and place. Those at the top represent a particular crowd at a particular moment with all the advantages that youth affords. If that all sounds a touch nebulous, well, that's the nature of it. Cool is less a formula than an instinct. It's not simply about a way with women or unshakeable self-belief or a rebellious streak, though those things are often important. It's not something that can be summed up in an algorithm or a checklist. Yet we all know it when we see it. And these men have it in spades... What a difference four years makes. In 2010, when we last ran our Cool List (come on, if anything's allowed to be fashionably late, it's this) our rundown of the men defining style, shaping culture and appropriating the national conversation - and doing so above all others - took in a very different set. Completely different, in fact, and that tells us something about what it means to be one of the coolest people around. Something simultaneously invigorating for those whose stars are rising and dispiriting for those who are already there: it's tied up with time and place. Those at the top represent a particular crowd at a particular moment with all the advantages that youth affords. If that all sounds a touch nebulous, well, that's the nature of it. Cool is less a formula than an instinct. It's not simply about a way with women or unshakeable self-belief or a rebellious streak, though those things are often important. It's not something that can be summed up in an algorithm or a checklist. Yet we all know it when we see it. And these men have it in spades...