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Offering private tuition.

A quick 30 minute or one hour lesson.

Most enjoyable and rewarding class.

Improve and master the art of handwriting.

1-3 lessons for a marked improvement.
Suitable for 5 year old children to adults of all ages.
Classes commencing

$50 for a 30min lesson.

Daily Telegraph Article below:

Our Handwriting Service is designed to make the process of improving your handwriting easy and fast. With our help, you'll develop a skill for life and increase your confidence and marks in school. Our service will also help to improve the presentation of your written work and people's perception of your writing. Enjoyable and interactive activities make it fun and easy to learn and improve your handwriting.

Cronulla High School 
YR 12 Handwriting Workshop, June 2023.

Alfie's (yr 6) most pleasing progress after 2 lessons.


Ahmed's (Yr 1) first lesson.


See below Ahmed's wonderful improvement at the end of his first 1hr lesson.

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