Watch your tails, cats and dogs, hedgies are man's new best friend

With apologies to Sonic, these ain't your father's hedgehogs

Jacqueline Persandi | jack
A curled-up pair of 3-week old baby hedgehogs.

They're low-maintenance, hypoallergenic and have no discernible odor. While these traits may be high on your list for a perfect date, we're talking about the African pygmy hedgehog.

And "hedgies" are fast-becoming a pop-culture phenomenon and an acceptable household pet.

Cuddly certainly won't be the first word that comes to mind for these exotic animals. Their coat of sharp thin spines, known as quills, gives them a decidedly defensive appearance. But, with their tiny toes and surprisingly expressive faces, hedgehogs are popping up on the internet more than SpongeBob memes.

"There are cute hedgehog photos on Buzzfeed and Instagram," said Katie McNeal, who lives in San Marco and launched Sun Coast Hedgehogs with business partner Aliera Peterson last year. Their online store sells baby hedgehogs to customers throughout the United States. "Some people even make somewhat of a living having famous Instagram hedgehogs and promoting products," McNeal said.

But it wasn't the recent influx of adorable internet photos that piqued her interest.

"In high school I really wanted a hedgehog as a pet. I got one and it was awful; it was really nasty," she said.

Although she loved her unfriendly omnivore, she preferred a nicer companion. She purchased another, this time from a breeder.

"I got one that was much friendlier. I saw the difference between one that I bought from a breeder and one that I bought from an exotic wholesaler. There weren't a lot of options back then as to where you could get your hedgehogs," McNeal said.

Gauging the marketplace

Today, McNeal and Peterson breed the exotic pets in their homes. Since they launched the company, the partners have sold 75 hoglets, which go for $250 each, not including shipping expenses. They started out slow, testing the waters to gauge demand; and purchased their hedgehogs from breeders with reputations for friendly hedgies.

"It's really important, especially when you're breeding animals, that it's not just a business," McNeal said. "You have to think about them; they're not just a product, they're a living being, and they need to be treated with respect and care."

McNeal and Peterson focus on breeding friendly, social pets.

"I want people to be delighted with their hedgehog. I want them to be able to immediately handle it when they bring it home," McNeal said.

New litters arrive every few weeks.

"We seem to sell our babies pretty quickly, which means there are people out there who want them," she said. "I certainly wouldn't ever want to be in a situation where we're over-breeding, especially when you're selling animals you have to be aware of overpopulation - no one wants to contribute to that."

Hoglets come in a variety of colors from dark black to pale yellow. According to McNeal, dark hedgehogs and those with pinto coloring are most popular. Split faces that are half-light and half-dark are also favored.

There's even a VIP waiting list for buyers with a preference for special colors or specific genders.

"Different people want different color hedgehogs, and we want to have something for everyone," McNeal said. "We think about good color pairings as well as temperament."

The health of the animal also is important. Healthy hedgehogs come from a variety of bloodlines, and mothers who are not overbred. Sun Coast includes a guarantee against congenital defects for six months and has a lifetime warranty against Wobbly Hedgehog Syndrome; a progressive, degenerative, neurological disease that is believed to be genetic and caused by a lack of bloodlines.

While some are sweet and others are shy, all hedgehogs love to eat, run - especially at night - and lounge around during the day. They need sufficient room to run, objects to climb and hide under, and a loving home.

Marketing a passion

for 'hedgies'

Although having a hedgehog business is a lot of work, it's a side job for McNeal who, along with Peterson, owns the agency Go Bright Marketing.

Unquestionably, their marketing expertise has helped grow their side business.

"I have hedgehog buyers who tell us they selected us because our website was so cute, the photos we take are so great, and that they were easily able to find us. We try to post something [on Instagram or Facebook] every day, and we see the results."

With Go Bright Marketing servicing well-known clients like Bad Media and, plus McNeal and Peterson's new line of organic horse shampoos officially on the market, the partners have their hands full.

But, McNeal said she and Peterson still make their hedgies a priority.

"It's definitely a passion project. I've always been a big animal lover and I especially like things that are unique. I certainly don't make enough money selling hedgehogs to live off of," McNeal said, with a smile.

Sun Coast Hedgehogs


Instagram: @suncoasthedgies