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Paintings By Iranian Artist Iman Maleki

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Iman Maleki’s fascination with painting began as a child. He started taking lessons in painting at the age of fifteen. His first and only teacher in painting was the celebrated Iranian painter Mortezā Kātouziān. His career as a professional painter began during this period. Maleki studied, from 1995, at the Fine Arts Faculty of University of Tehran, from where he graduated in Graphic Design in 1999.
Since 1998 he has presented several exhibitions of his paintings. In 2000 Maleki established Ārā Painting Studio (آتلیه نقاشی آرا) where he also teaches painting. During the Second International Art Renewal Center Salon (TM) Competition in 2005, Maleki was awarded The William Bouguereau Award – Emotion Theme and the Figure for his painting Omens of Hafez (Fāl-e Hāfez) and a Chairman’s Choice Award for his other painting A Girl by the Window (Dokhtari Dar Kenār-e Panjareh).
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  1. dartagnan1:13
  2. hilda451:25
  3. Isaly21:40
  4. krathburn11:48
  5. Dudeperfect1:48
  6. tinker30021:48
  7. beeld1:54
  8. mandato2:24
  9. Fesnak2:26
  10. jb24682:28


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Very nice , we are all brothers and sisters in Christ.


Indeed Betty, you are right, now the rest of the world needs to understand and reach for one anther's hands. Thanks for your comments Betty.



A universal photo. No matter what person, no matter the language, we are all brothers and sisters.


Oh that's good to know, Cyndi. I thought you might be
a Hafiz fan (me too!)

Your bio of Hafiz is most helpful, Jim.

Thanks to you both. @Isaly2 @eagleboi


Thank you Jim for this brilliant painting by Iman Maleki and the lovely message by Bliss Carman. Very interesting bio about Maleki. @mandato I, too, am a big fan of Hafiz's.


Thank you Maria for a deeper look into poetry by Iranian author. A brief bio of him:
Hafez, a Sufi poet, expressed in poetry love for the divine, and the intoxicating oneness of union with it. Hafiz, along with many Sufi masters, uses wine as the symbol for love. The intoxication that results from both is why it is such a fitting comparison. Hafiz spoke out about the hypocrisy and deceit that exists in society, and was more outspoken in pointing this out than many poets similar to him.
His poems are beautiful and meaningful.


I just solved and saw 'The Heart of Night' .
Wonderful, Jim. Would love to re-read...did I miss the author?
Thanks ...Maria @eagleboi


This lovely dreamy painting reminds me of the Iranian/Persian poet
mystic poet Hafiz:

Look what happens with
A love like that,
It lights the Whole Sky.”
― Hafiz

The Iman Maleki posts are special, Jim. Thanks for posting them .

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