We all want to save money, and that effort often starts at home. Learn how to reduce energy bills and save money every month, just by changing your light bulbs!

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, the average American household spends about 5 percent of its energy budget on lighting—a figure that can quickly climb if you’re not using energy-efficient light bulbs. Read on to learn how to cut costs at home just by changing your bulbs!

Save money with lighting

Though traditional incandescent bulbs are still a widely popular choice in lighting due to their familiar warm color temperature and low cost, they are by far the least energy-efficient lighting option out there. With an average lifespan of only about 1,200 hours and the majority of energy produced being wasted as heat instead of light, the constant need to replace incandescent bulbs soon outweighs the higher upfront cost of other energy-efficient lighting options. If you aren’t ready to give up the classic look and warm glow of incandescent bulbs, try switching to halogen incandescents, which can last up to three times as long as a standard incandescent, saving you money and time in the light bulb aisle down the road.

Incandescent bulbs

CFL bulbs are the next step up in energy-efficient lighting. Though some large lighting companies like GE are beginning to phase out these types of bulbs in favor of LED technology, they are still hugely popular in homes and offices around the world. CFL bulbs use as much as 75 percent less energy than incandescent bulbs and can last 10 times as long. CFL bulbs come in many color temperatures and offer the same brightness and ambience as well-loved incandescents. Many are even dimmable, so there’s no need to sacrifice atmosphere in favor of saving money and energy. One thing to consider: CFLs contain a small amount of mercury and need to be recycled properly at the end of their lives.

CFL bulb

The pinnacle of energy-efficient lighting is the LED bulb. LEDs last 25 times as long as standard incandescent bulbs and use only a fraction of the energy traditional bulbs use. Only 10 percent of the energy produced by LEDs is wasted as heat, compared to incandescent technology’s 90 percent. LED bulbs come in every color temperature and many are dimmable. LED bulbs are perfect for use at home or at work, and will reduce both your energy bills as well as time spent changing light bulbs. Think about it—with LEDs, you wouldn’t even have to think about buying new light bulbs for about 20 years!


Installing dimmer switches and motion sensors also adds to your home, office, or warehouse's energy efficiency. Being able to dim lights to suit your needs, or have lights automatically turn off when light isn’t needed, can save you hundreds each year.

With so many options available for every lifestyle and budget, there’s no reason not to switch to energy-efficient lighting. If you’re still not convinced, check out our Energy Savings Calculator and decide for yourself.

Happy saving!