Waterfall: Rio Alto Shilcayo, San Martin, Peru


It is time to be even BOLDER.

Keep asking "Where am I needed, show me how I can serve." The right people and opportunities WILL show up. {read online here}

There is a big black elephant in the room for many of us in the -- the divisive blow we are feeling from the election. What I'm about to share is not political, it's not a right or left conversation, it's not partisan. 

It's human coming from a deeply connected spiritual place with concerns for the inner peace of our neighbors and the longevity of clean water and a healthy living environment. I’m receiving questions on how to make sense of life now, business and what once mattered in my career? What now!?

What’s my purpose and who am I?

When we break down who we really are, without politics, without agendas, we are nature. Yes humans stripped of their clothes and opinions, are nature. Those most keyed into this are feeling an innate call to action to protect what is sacred.

I just returned from Peru. I was downstream from this waterfall the day after the election. I had been offline for a week. I was working with my spiritual teacher. I came online to learn the results.

​In 20 minutes I felt every range of emotion from anger to sadness to grief to confusion. It was a perfect time to be away and objectively disengaged from the conversation. 

I spent days in solitude pondering the questions, "What now?" “Who am I?” “What’s my purpose?

You may be pondering these same questions even more now than ever.

When we speak to loved ones or others with a different view we see how ready everyone is to defend their position. The truth is our beliefs right now are so anchored in rhetoric it's hard to align with folks supporting 'the other.' 

What's really going on?

What's really going on is the collective opportunity for a MASSIVE BREAKTHROUGH.

Think about your own life, when something traumatic happens that jacks up your emotions. We either surf on top and put a band-aid on it or we go through the journey and work deeply for the breakthrough. These times we know aren't easy. We're all in this together now going through a collective challenge with a huge opportunity for a breakthrough. 

It's always the most turbulent before the real breakthrough. The shadows of our sub-conscious erupt into view and we see what's been beneath the surface. We see what REALLY needs healing and clearing before true sustainable change can take place. This is happening for us all right now - collectively.

The question for each of us is, "What is the breakthrough? What's the outcome we want?"

The opportunity is to stay out of rage and reaction and stay in a place of harmony, love, compassion and consciousness. I admit I've been working through this one myself. The outcome I want is a huge awakening in consciousness in government, C-Suites, and among the population -us.

I desire to see the water protectors and Native North Americans at Standing Rock- holding space for something so basic- clean water for all, clean air and a clean environment - to be heard for what this is and the pipeline stopped permanently now. 

I desire to see inclusion and human rights and the right to a clean environment as a true compass for each individual and corporate citizen on this planet including whoever leads this country- the USA. These seem so basic right? 

We must be asking the question, "How can I contribute even more to the outcome I say I want?" Personal responsibility is leadership.

Authentic Leadership in the Corporate space begins with personal evolution and aligns with your values and personal responsibility.


Let this give you a place in which to ground and a place to return to when you’re feeling uncertain. Let this catapult you forward from a place of LOVE and KINDNESS and COMPASSION. 

What’s my purpose?

When we spend energy seeking the perfect messaging to capsulize our purpose as individuals here on Earth, in this lifetime, we distract ourselves from being it. 

What I love to do and how I love to do it changes often. Some live decades doing the same thing and truly becoming an expert in that one thing. Others change and flow. Both are right. Both have meaning and purpose. Now, in the US, our world is uncertain. Many are asking, “What can I do? What should I do?”

Know that thing that soothes you and brings you back to center. Your purpose is to do that often.

What is calling you to actualize your talent in a meaningful way right now that impacts the issues you care about? Are you feeling called to have your voice heard yet fear the repercussions? Do you have a business? Is their a way to channel your voice through your business or through your corporate leadership? Is there a way to hold space at work for others feeling how you feel? What is calling you now? Instead of seeing purpose as an overall life long question, ask this instead....

"What's my purpose today?"

Don’t over complicate purpose. Happiness, joy and inner peace are purpose. When we’re so busy doing what we need to do that we don't have time to ask this question, we are being on purpose. The key is to make sure you come back to center, recharge and continue to do your own inner work to raise your own consciousness. 

"We must dream the world we wish to see into being and take action to help it unfold."

What Now?

1. Pick your issue, become an expert and take action. Start now. The idea here is, engagement and your bold voice. 

My call for all of you is to UNLEASH THE REAL YOU. Tap into what you know is right and speak up with your voice and actions in every area of your life to hold those values. Be willing to take inventory and ask, how am I contributing to the negativity? How am I complicit with the things I say I care most about? Am I invested in companies supporting things I don't agree with? 

There is no time for the cognitive dissonance of the past decade. 

The world we live in has changed. The rules of engagement have changed. No one is coming to rescue us. We are all being called to take full responsibility. If this means focusing on your own personal development right now, then do that. We must realize our own contribution ENERGETICALLY, EMOTIONALLY, and PHYSICALLY. We must nurture and take care of our selves also.

If it means being a voice in your community, in community politics, or on a certain issue your expertise can impact, keep asking questions on where or how you can get involved. AND ask spiritually for guidance on how you can best serve. 

2. This is the crux of 'What now?' We all must raise our own vibration and HOLD IT for others in order to transform this collective energy we're feeling right now. Lots of fear and anger, lots of confusion and 'how the heck can this be true?'.

The real collective breakthrough is HIGHER CONSCIOUSNESS. ANYONE coming from a higher state of consciousness would value every human being the same and would value a clean and healthy environment above all else. 

I welcome your comments below. Let's forge a conversation of inclusion and openness and truly hold space for each other with compassion. 

Please know I am here to support. I am offering Breakthrough Coaching Sessions at a very reduced rate to hold space for you - my community because a breakthrough truly changes EVERYTHING. You do need to be heard. Empowerment, strategy and a different lens can change everything!

Request a coaching session here ...

Be true to you,

Stephanie Trager

Bridge Between Worlds | International Speaker, Coach, Advisor & Spiritual Guide | Futurist & New Earth Storyteller | The Future is Frequencies | Impact Strategist | Repurposed Lawyer | Remember Who You Really Are


With you on that one Beth!

Beth Patterson

Clinical Chaplain working in Palliative Care and as Transition Doula


good piece Stephanie!

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