What’s new with Microsoft Teams Rooms?- Microsoft Ignite November 2023

What’s new with Microsoft Teams Rooms?- Microsoft Ignite November 2023

Numerous announcements have emerged from Microsoft Ignite in recent days, featuring a wealth of thrilling updates, particularly focusing on Microsoft Teams and Teams Rooms. The deployment and management of Teams Rooms is about to get much easier and faster, have a read below to find out more…

Simplified deployment of Teams Rooms

The integration of Windows Autopilot and Auto-login for Teams Rooms on Windows is set to significantly streamline the deployment process for IT admins. The time required for deploying Teams Rooms on Windows will be drastically reduced from days to mere hours. This seamless provisioning process allows devices to effortlessly sign in to the Autopilot device-associated account. Users simply need to plug in the Teams device, power it on, and within hours, the device will be provisioned, signed in, and ready for use. The preview for Windows Autopilot and Auto-login for Teams Rooms on Windows is slated to commence by the end of this calendar year.

Simplified deployment of teams rooms

Ease-of-use with one-time passwords (OTPs)

For devices ineligible for Windows Autopilot enrolment, a simplified deployment option is being introduced, utilising one-time passwords (OTPs). This option is particularly advantageous for those collaborating with system integrators. By employing an OTP, the security risk associated with sharing room credentials, such as usernames and passwords, with installers is eliminated. Instead, the code is shared with a company administrator, enabling remote provisioning of credentials to the device.


Easy access with Windows devices

In 2024, remote access will be integrated into the Teams Rooms Pro Management portal, facilitating remote troubleshooting and proactive maintenance. This feature allows for the continuous monitoring of device health, pre-emptively addressing potential issues before they impact meetings. In the event of problems, it aids in swift diagnosis and resolution, minimising downtime. IT professionals can conveniently oversee shared device settings, implement security updates, and configure devices from any location, ensuring device security and optimising time efficiency.

Easy access with Windows Devices

To find out more about anything I’ve discussed in this special edition newsletter, please feel free to contact me or speak to your local Maverick specialist. Or if you want to find out more about Microsoft Ignite click here. Otherwise I’ll see you all in December for our year wrap up edition of Teams with Tom Ballard !

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