Is your email hacked?  Are you pwned?

Is your email hacked? Are you pwned?

In hacker slang, "pwned" means "owned" as in "I hacked that admin password, now I own the entire system."

With all the news accounts of passwords exposed due to breaches, there is a lot of pwnage out there. A legitimate cybersecurity guy has set up a nice site where you can enter the username or email address you use on the Web and find out if has shown up on any hacker sites as being "pwned."

First the disclaimers: This is a legitimate site but is certainly not perfect. You may be pwned and this site won't know it. The site is free but does accept donations. It does offer alerts to email you if your email shows up in the future, but I have never used that. Your mileage may vary/void where prohibited by law/call your doctor if pwnage last longer than... etc.

The site is at

redit to:  John Pescatore, SANS, Director of Emerging Security Trends

J.R. Olivero

Strategic Communications, Organizational Change Lead


Very interesting - especially that the site had to put up a disclaimer for those people who use/used Ashley Madison. As an engineer, what would you suggest anyone do to safeguard their information (change passwords, etc)?


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