Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, Antigovernment Extremists React To Ketanji Brown Jackson's Supreme Court Confirmation; Share Images Of Nooses And Call For Jackson, U.S. Senators To Be Executed By Hanging, Firing Squad; Say U.S. Is 'Dying' And Close To Collapse – Part II

April 11, 2022

On February 25, 2022, following the announcement of Justice Stephen Breyer's retirement, President Joe Biden nominated Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson to become the 116th Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. After a Senate vote of 53 to 47, Jackson was confirmed on April 7, 2022.[1] She will be the first black woman and public defender to serve as a Supreme Court justice.

Neo-Nazis, antigovernment extremists, and white supremacists online have reacted to Jackson's confirmation, with some calling for her to be executed via hanging or firing squad. Others are threatening the three Republican senators – Susan Collins of Maine, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, and Mitt Romney of Utah – who voted to confirm Judge Jackson.[2] Similarly, extremists are calling for revolution and for the overthrow of the U.S. government.

In addition to issuing threats, extremists are claiming the confirmation is a sign that America is dying and that this is the "final nail in America's coffin." They are also sharing accelerationist beliefs, claiming the U.S. is close to collapse and total war.

MEMRI previously released part I of a report about neo-Nazis and white supremacists reacting to Ketanji Brown Jackson's nomination.[3] The report documents neo-Nazis and white supremacists' opposition to Jackson's nomination. Many have created memes depicting Jackson as an ape, some say she is unqualified due to her race, and others that she is an affirmative action hire. Others have asserted that Jews were ultimately behind her nomination.

A post from March 3 shared to the racist "Chimpmania" forum.[4]

The following are reactions from Telegram, Gab, MeWe, and 4chan from neo-Nazis, antigovernment extremists, and white supremacists reacting to Jackson's confirmation.


Extremists Call For Jackson, U.S. Senators, Democrats To Be Executed By Firing Squad, Hanging

On Gab, a Libertarian candidate for a state representative assembly posted on April 7 a message reading: "So the kiddie sniffer in chief who took naked showers with his daughter, nominated an easy on child sex crime judge, and now a bunch of degenerates in Congress voted her through the same week they get accused of cocaine fueled orgies? Time for a Revolution." Another user wrote: "Revolution is the only solution to this depravity with these deviates executed when the war is won by patriots! Vote cheating can't be stopped so we can't legally get rid of them!" Another wrote: "Time to start rolling heads!!!!" Another added: "How much worse does this shit need to get before words become actions?" Another wrote: "Time to kill." Another commented: "I'm in when can we start hanging people?"

On April 8, a Gab user called for the killing of U.S senators who voted to confirm Justice Jackson. Responding to a video that shows Vice President Harris announcing the results of the vote to confirm Jackson, the user wrote: "Line em up! Firing squad style!"

In a Telegram group chat, a user posted on April 7 an update about Jackson's confirmation that read: "They gave the retarded negress that can't even say what a man or woman is a spot on the supreme court." Another user commented, "Fed post feels," to which the first user replied: "Yes, I am glown**ger. You got me." The second user wrote: "No, meaning I would like to do fed posty shit when reading shit like that." Then the user shared the poster for the 2009 movie "Rampage," which shows a man wearing a gas mask wielding two assault rifles and the text: "Rampage – Vengeance Is Ruthless."

On April 7 on a 4chan thread, an anonymous user from the United States wrote: "N**gers poison everything." A user from the United Kingdom added: "Can you sack or sniper her?" A U.S. user commented: "She'll have to be executed. I'm serious. She doesn't even know what a woman is and no she can't be a judge. So... yea. Whenever this country is burned and purged, she'll be one of the first to go. What a mess."

Extremists Claim Jackson's Confirmation Is "The Nail In The Coffin" For The United States, Claims The United States Is "Dying" And Will "Collapse"

A neo-Nazi gab account reacted to Jackson's confirmation on April 7, writing: "That is a nail in the coffin for this clown show called a nation." Another user commented: "The nail in the coffin was 1965 Hart Sellar immigration act but this sheboon will certainly add to the rot of the corpse. It's just a matter of time to we collapse and total chaos/war and then foreign military invasion."

An anonymous user from Italy wrote on April 7 on a 4chan thread: "We missed the fall of Rome but we're alive to see the one of America. God Bless." A French user added: "more mutt n**ger in power, good. Death to America." A user from the United States commented: "america dies, day by day."

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