Robert Pattinson’s doing alright, isn’t he? His latest film, The Lighthouse, is a box office hit. Christopher Nolan has asked him to be the next Batman. And now, science has decreed Pattinson the most beautiful man in the world, hotter than both Henry Cavill and Brad Pitt. What an ego boost.

That's according to the Golden Ratio of Beauty Phi – a scientific calculation that assesses the proportions of your face – proving the Twilight actor is the hottest man in Hollywood, with a staggering beauty rating of 92.15 per cent.

The brutal ratio analyses the position of your eyes, forehead, nose – including width and length – chin, upper lip, and overall face shape to measure how conventionally attractive you are to the decimal point.

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With a rating of 91.08 per cent, Bradley Cooper came in a close second, followed by Henry Cavill and Brad Pitt at 91.04 per cent and 90.51 per cent respectively. George Clooney, Hugh Jackman and David Beckham had an average rating of 89 per cent each.

The least attractive male celebrity? Ryan Gosling, which is enough reason to never attempt the test ourselves. The list was assembled using computerised mapping techniques by Harley Street facial cosmetic surgeon Dr Julian De Silva, who uses the technology in his work.

“Robert Pattinson was the clear winner when all elements of the face were measured for physical perfection,” Dr De Silva, who runs London’s Centre For Advanced Facial Cosmetic And Plastic Surgery, told the Daily Mail. “He was in the top five for nearly all the categories because he has such classically shaped features and a wonderful chiselled jaw. His only score below average was for his lips which are a little thin and flat.”

Thin, flat lips. Guess you really can’t have it all.

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