a young crater on Mars
the sun's surface
Mars surface carved by liquid water
two galaxies colliding
Hurricane Pali
Pluto's surface
fires at oil sites in Libya
the interior of the McLaughlin Crater on Mars
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Graceful GiantSaturn displays its full grandeur in this image from NASA’s Cassini probe. With a diameter of 116,500 kilometers (72,400 miles), the planet dwarfs its moons, including Tethys, the 1,066-kilometer-wide dot in the lower right.
Photograph by NASA/JPL-Caltech/Space Science Institute

Week’s Best Space Pictures: Saturn Shows Off and a Storm Brews

Plus: Pluto shimmers with shockingly fresh ice, and colliding galaxies kickstart the birth of new stars.

January 15, 2016

Feed your need for heavenly views of the universe with our picks of the most awe-inspiring space pictures. This week, a serpent of electrified gas above the sun’s surface collapses, Saturn flaunts its splendorous size, and Mars hints at its ancient, watery past.

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