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Michael Moore Hits the Stage, Then Hits Trump

The director Michael Moore talks about his one-man show, “The Terms of My Surrender,” which opened on Broadway on Aug. 10. It focuses on the Trump presidency and activism.

Michael Moore: MUSIC intro - street and backstage TITLE Michael Moore Debuts on Broadway Can a Broadway show bring down a sitting president. It was a it was a theory I had a question. I thought well why not let’s give it a try. We’ve tried everything else since January. in the dressing room and out - “Hair and makeup - Ok, Im done” the terms of my surrender as a one man show it’s a piece of theater that I’ve written that I wanted to perform. live NATPOP - LIVE music starts - Moore goes on stage. so a lot of things I talk about aren’t necessarily about Trump per se I don’t think there’s anything really new to say at this point. I think we get the drill. But but I do have a lot to say about us. And how I think we ended up with him and maybe how to prevent something like this from ever happening again NATPOP - —Im not going through 2018, and I’m not going through 2020, you you have to join me here. to do it in the city where the Clinton campaign was where the where so much of liberal America has its base. It’s it’s like I as a Midwesterner want to say to the base here come out of the bubble. We can win. We can do this. But you’ve got to understand what’s going on between the Hudson River and xxxx Boulevard. There is a lot going on here! NATPOP - It’s a daily shithsow hitting us. Just one piece of shit one day after another. Did I say every day? Every hour? The film takes a while. And and the show is happening right now as you see it. There’s no editor the producers even though they may be in the house they can’t edit me or tell me what to say or whatever. Anytime I’m let loose. Every night at 8 0 3 p.m. NATPOP - assistant - Did he just...Is this a new question now? you know anything could happen NATPOP - Let’s fact check it… It makes a lot of people nervous here. But but it’ll it’ll be fine. It’s so so far no one has died. NATPOP - What’s the latest today? That Steve Bannon is trying to convince trump no name this guy Steven Miller from Mars to be the new comm dir I I enjoy the conversation with my fellow Americans. I’m It’s a privilege to live in this country. And but the rights I have are not privileges. They come to me by the very power and the very fact that I am an American and I have these rights to speak my mind to encourage others to rise up to either take this country back or take us into a better direction and I have a lot of faith that my fellow Americans who feel the same way are going to do that


Michael Moore Hits the Stage, Then Hits Trump

By Natalia V. Osipova August 10, 2017

The director Michael Moore talks about his one-man show, “The Terms of My Surrender,” which opened on Broadway on Aug. 10. It focuses on the Trump presidency and activism.


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