I find myself pining after the KDE Plasma desktop a lot of late, a feeling that the following YouTube video (a link to which landed in my inbox over the weekend) has made 10x worse!

I use GNOME Shell because, by and large, I’m a defaults kinda guy. It’s what Ubuntu offers so I lap it up. But the recent Plasma 5.16 release (in particular) has really whet my appetite for DEs dished up elsewhere.

Sam, the guy who keeps this site ticking over, isn’t helping matters. He switched to the Plasma desktop on his Arch machine a few months back and has done nothing but sing its praises since!

But me? I know GNOME Shell. I know how it works. I know what it can be made to look. Plasma? I’m far less versed in Plasma’s proficiencies and possibilities, settings and style.

Which probably explains why the following video showcasing a Plasma desktop set-up that proved popular on Reddit, is big on the ‘woahs’ for me:

The 16 minute video takes the viewer through all of the key customisations on show, from the “look and feel” and icon theme in use to the custom panel and dock set up.

While the look owes more than a passing nod towards macOS it manages to look very distinct, and not too macOS-y (okay, save for the traffic light window controls).

The end result won’t be to everyone’s tastes, but its serves as a a real eye opener to the raw power and customisation that KDE Plasma provides.

The wallpaper used is “Among Trees” and is available on ArtStation