three chihuahuas lying next to each other on a on a grey couch

Why Do Chihuahuas Shake?


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Chihuahua owners may have noticed a weird behaviour in their pet from time to time: shivering or trembling. Why do Chihuahuas shake so much? And is it something to be worried about? After all, if a human was trembling so often and so noticeably, you’d probably think they were in shock or hypothermic.

The good news: it’s pretty common, and could very well be harmless. But there are also some medical reasons for Chihuahuas shaking, so you’ll want to monitor them.

Why do Chihuahuas shake?

Unfortunately, there isn’t one standard reason for why Chihuahuas shake. But some common culprits are likely causing those shivers and trembles. Maybe your dog is struggling with one of these five problems?

1. High metabolism

Although Chihuahuas are the tiniest breed of dogs, they produce a lot of energy because of their fast metabolism. These dogs burn three times as many calories as other canines. This can cause shivering or shaking as a ‘side effect.’

Their super-fast metabolism is one of the main reasons they get cold so easily, as it happens. Which brings us to the next reason why Chihuahuas shake sometimes.

2. They’re cold

It seems a little too obvious to be true, doesn’t it? But often, the reason why Chihuahuas shake is simply because they’re cold.

Remember, they’re tiny dogs without much body weight. And that aforementioned metabolism means they burn off their energy really quickly. So even if you don’t feel cold, they might. Yep, even in Australia!

On top of that, many Chihuahuas have short coats. So they’re often not as well insulated as your Husky, for example. Investing in a dog jacket can make all the difference to these mini pooches. If you pop on a winter jacket or buy them an extra blanket, the shivering could ease off quite quickly.

chihuahua puppy lying on checkered blanket to stay warm because they can shake when they are cold

3. Hypoglycaemia/low blood sugar

Low blood sugar or hypoglycaemia can also be one of the reasons why Chihuahuas shake. Typically, people think of this as a Yorkshire Terrier problem. But it’s not uncommon in Chis either. Because they’re both small dogs with very fast metabolisms their blood sugar levels can drop quite easily. Especially if they’re picky eaters.

Aside from shaking, symptoms can also include lethargy, loss of appetite, drowsiness, coordination issues, and seizures.

If not properly treated, hypoglycaemia can be fatal. If you suspect hypoglycaemia, a vet visit is very important. You vet can teach you how to effectively manage the condition through lifestyle changes.

4. Excitement or fear

Chihuahua dogs can also shiver and shake as a result of psychological triggers, rather than physiological.

This is usually when they’re stimulated and anticipating something. Two of the main psychological reasons they might shake are fear and excitement. So if your dog shakes when you get home, when you bring out their dinner bowl, or when they’re anticipating a walk – that’s quite normal.

The same goes for if they shake when they’re meeting other dogs or when separation anxiety kicks in. Basically, if a Chihuahua is feeling anxious or frightened, they might shake. This can happen in plenty of other breeds too, but is commonly seen in Chihuahuas. Maybe those big emotions just don’t have anywhere else to go?!

Here’s what nervous shaking might look like in a Chihuahua. This one’s at the vet, and not too excited to visit the doctor!

5. Other medical conditions

Other possible causes for shaking could be related to medical conditions. It’s important you identify the reason your Chihuahua shakes.

For instance, it could be shaker syndrome/generalised tremor syndrome (GTS). Or it could be due to dog poisoning or an allergy, illness, or injury.

Chihuahuas have a small body mass. If they eat a plant that’s toxic to pets or ingest something harmful, they’re more likely to suffer ill effects than a big dog like Labrador. The same goes for if they eat or come into contact with something they’re allergic to.

Any dog owner needs to be careful of things like chocolate toxicity, xylitol, and other common things that can poison pets (lock those essential oils away!), but especially owners of very small and light dogs like Yorkies and Chihuahuas.

And we’ve already established that Chihuahuas can be quite sensitive dogs. If they’ve injured themselves or are sick, they might shake due to pain.

Do I need to worry about it?

Yes and no. If you think the reason why your Chihuahua shakes is because of excitement or other emotional triggers, you probably don’t have much cause for concern. And if it stops when you add a nice dog jacket or a warm blanket, your pup is probably just chilly.

If your Chihuahua is shaking for reasons you’re not sure of, if it’s becoming more severe over time, or if you think they might have come into contact with something poisonous, there could be cause for concern.

If in doubt, it’s always best to take your Chihuahua to the vet. They can check out those shakes and let you know if there are any worrisome signs that something is wrong. After all, peace of mind is priceless. Which is exactly why we always recommend you cover your precious pup with dog insurance too.

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