Flow Forms

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Testing the Flowforum Design, Ceramics, Concrete Sculpture, Diy Pond, Fuentes De Agua, Hydroponics Diy, Fountain, Clay, Garden Fountain
Workshop flowforms boetseren 2011
Testing the Flowforum
Perhaps Flow form inspired.  Beautiful The Great Outdoors, Dream Garden, Parks, Dream Pools, Gorgeous Gardens, Beautiful Gardens, House
SANTA BARBARA BOUND - Mark D. Sikes: Chic People, Glamorous Places, Stylish Things
Perhaps Flow form inspired. Beautiful
Pretty Flowform - beautiful and functional as an outdoor water feature to offer oxygenated water, and others even assist with biodynamic preparations Yard Art, Ponds Backyard, Outdoor Water Feature, Water Garden, Water Features In The Garden, Pool
Pretty Flowform - beautiful and functional as an outdoor water feature to offer oxygenated water, and others even assist with biodynamic preparations
Permaculture and ponds Vegetable Garden, Garden Design, Edible Garden, Organic Gardening, Pond, Garden Drawing, Garden
Permaculture and ponds
Flowform water sculpture Inspiration, Natural Pond, Hydroponic Gardening, Garden Inspiration, Water Element
Flowform water sculpture
Sounds of Water up close  from Turtle Bay Exploration Park Art, Public, Waterway, California Native Garden, Native Garden
Public Art: Turtle Bay Exploration Park: Wonder-Full | Redding, CA
Sounds of Water up close from Turtle Bay Exploration Park
At Monte Bernardi we have been farming our vineyards Biodynamically since 2004. In this picture we see one of our aerobic teas (500) in a flow form. The stirring effect incorporates oxygen in the water so that a beneficial population of bacteria and fungi can grow in our tea. Wines, Hydroponics, Aquaponics, Aquaponics System, Permaculture Gardening, Water Purification Process, Biodynamic Gardening, Water Treatment
At Monte Bernardi we have been farming our vineyards Biodynamically since 2004. In this picture we see one of our aerobic teas (500) in a flow form. The stirring effect incorporates oxygen in the water so that a beneficial population of bacteria and fungi can grow in our tea.
Our cats and dog love drinking out of this Lily Water, Pottery, Dog Love, Cats, Drinking Water, Water Flow
Our cats and dog love drinking out of this Lily
even with out water you feel the dynamism Flow Forming, Technology, Gardening, Nice, Ideas
even with out water you feel the dynamism
this is a different scale and is mesmerizing to watch Ornament, Bird Bath, Outdoor Decor
this is a different scale and is mesmerizing to watch
Fetters Biodynamic flow forms Compost, Permaculture Farming, Garden Projects, Landscaping Design, Yard Ideas, Unique Gardens
Fetters Biodynamic flow forms
flow forms are a part of biodynamic gardening practice.  They allow water to move through spirals and eddies that energize and purify water Garden Landscaping, Lawn And Garden, Garden And Yard
flow forms are a part of biodynamic gardening practice. They allow water to move through spirals and eddies that energize and purify water
cloverleaf flow form can be used as a water feature in a garden pond Diy, Garden Pond
cloverleaf flow form can be used as a water feature in a garden pond