What’s a Galosh?

A rain boot, you say?? Not so fast!

Do you remember your Dad wearing his rubber “galoshes” over his dress shoes to work back in the day? They were overshoes… which allowed men to wear their office-appropriate dress shoes without ruining them when the yucky weather struck.

According to Wikipedia, a galosh is a “type of rubber boot that slips over a shoe to keep it from getting muddy or wet”. The key: It’s an OVERshoe – or ‘overboot’, as we call them at PYSIS!

Galoshes are worn over shoes.
Rain boots are simply… boots.
So, here’s to reviving galoshes! Gorgeous Galoshes.
are functional galsohes, re-purposed for women’s heels. And a woman’s sense of style!

So, we say wear the shoes. And go ahead… get Sloshed! 

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