Australia gives Ramos-Horta major honour

The former president of East Timor, Jose Ramos Horta, has been invested as an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia.


Dr Jose Ramos-Horta with his family.

(Transcript from SBS World News Radio)

The former president of East Timor, Jose Ramos Horta, has been invested as an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia.

Dr Ramos Horta has been recognised for his leading role in East Timor's independence movement, as well as for helping maintain the country's relationship with Australia.

Manny Tsigas reports.

(Click on the audio tab above to hear the full report)

It is one of the highest honours in the land, bestowed on one of Australia's most revered allies.

Governor General Sir Peter Cosgrove has inducted Jose Ramos Horta as an Honorary Companion of the Order of Australia.

It came at a ceremony in Sydney's Admiralty House.

"You're an eminent global citizen, a champion of democracy, a great man of your country, a true patriot and a great friend to Australia. I congratulate you most warmly on this high honour from our nation to a great representative of Timor Leste. Ladies and Gentlemen, Dr Ramos Horta."

The award is in recognition of Dr Ramos Horta's role in strengthening bilateral relations between Australia and East Timor.

Dr Ramos Horta was a pivotal figure in the decades long struggle to secure international support for Timor Leste's fight for independence from Indonesia.

He has told SBS he is overwhelmed by the recognition.

"I worked with Australian politicians, government, civil society, media, promoting the cause of Timor Leste, and Australia played a critical role in the liberation of Timor Leste. I was doing my duty as foreign minister, as prime minister, president, to foster this relationship, which continues."

The ceremony comes just days after East Timor marked 15 years since its historic referendum, when more than 80 per cent of the population voted in favour of independence.

But it has not been easy since then.

With the focus now on roads and infrastructure, Dr Ramos Horta says other steps include eradicating poverty and securing more investment in health and education.

"TAFE, I think, is one of the best experiments in Australia. I would like to see more Timorese coming to do TAFE in Australia and TAFE instructors going to Timor-Leste. And I know it has been happening."

Dr Ramos Horta is also pushing for more discussions on sharing resources from the Greater Sunrise gas field.

He has welcomed the decision by both countries to try to settle their differences outside the International Court of Justice.

In the court, East Timor is demanding the return of sensitive documents seized by Australia regarding a controversial oil and gas treaty.

"The relationship's too strong, and it will be able to survive, to move on, in spite of occasional differences that we have. The next step could be for Australia to really see how, in the medium to long term, it can better help Timor Leste by agreeing to a maritime boundary that is acceptable to all. What Australia needs is to be surrounded by stable, prosperous countries."





3 min read
Published 8 September 2014 1:20pm
Updated 8 September 2014 3:36pm
By Manny Tsigas
Source: World News Australia


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