Poll: Is the Kimberley in W.A or the N.T?

Where is the Kimberley, Western Australia or the Northern Territory?

This is the question that we recently asked our instagram followers and the poll results were surprising, with a staggering 18% believing that the Kimberley is in the N.T.

Poll on our instagram @thekimberleyaustralia.

Poll on our instagram @thekimberleyaustralia.

almost 20% believe the kimberley is in the nt

Yep, almost one fifth of 448 respondents believe that the Kimberley is the next state across, in the Northern Territory. In fact, the Kimberley occupies a rather large chunk of Western Australia. Stretching from Broome in the west, to Kununurra in the far east, the Kimberley is 423,517 square kilometres (163,521 sq mi), which is almost 1/6th of the total state of Western Australia. West Oz is 2,645,615 km2 (1,021,478 sq mi) in size. Or, to put it into perspective,the Kimberley is about three times the size of England, twice the size of Victoria, or just slightly smaller than California. Click here you want to get some more detailed maps of the Kimberley, Western Australia.

Gibb River Road. Pic by S. Connell.
Purnululu (Bungle Bungles) by Chris White

Purnululu (Bungle Bungles) by Chris White

What do you think ... should Tourism Western Australia focus on a campaign of educating people where the Kimberley is, or do you feel that less people knowing is better? Comment below!
Lake Argyle sunrise by Chris White

Lake Argyle sunrise by Chris White