If you hadn't already noticed, Ree Drummond has a thing for florals. So naturally, it's no surprise she's be a fan of Christmas plants, too. "I love big pots of poinsettias, fresh evergreen boughs, sprigs of fresh mistletoe... and the kisses that come with it!" she says. Classic poinsettias are a perfect shade of red to match the season, and they're a special part of our Christmas traditions.

The flowering shrub is native to Mexico and Latin America, brought to the United States by an amateur botanist in the 1800s. Adding to the lore, the shape of the leaves—known as bracts—resembles the Star of Bethlehem. Joel Roberts Poinsett, the first U.S. ambassador to Mexico, introduced the plant to the States, and it's named after him. The plant was first bred at a farm in Southern California, but it really wasn't until the 20th century that poinsettias began to see mass appeal.

"In the 1950s, the Ecke family began modernizing breeding so poinsettias would be more suited to growing in pots," says Rebecca Siemonsma, North American product manager for Dümmen Orange, one of the largest poinsettia breeders in the world. "In the '60s and '70s, they marketed them on popular TV shows so that Americans soon began associating poinsettias with Christmas."

Nowadays, you can find poinsettias in a range of gorgeous colors from white to pink and even multicolored. Alongside Christmas trees, it's truly not Christmas without these cheery winter flowers, no matter which shade you choose! Here's everything you need to know to about poinsettia care so they'll last all season long.

how to care for poinsettias
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How do I pick a poinsettia?

First, look for poinsettias with stiff stems that support bright, buoyant leaves on top and healthy green leaves at the base. You also want to see bright yellow centers on poinsettias. The colored parts of the plant are modified leaves called bracts, and the tiny yellow flowers in the center are called cyathia. You want lots of bright yellow cyathia, but if they're already open, it means the plant is less fresh; look for one with tight buds. Also, pull back the plastic sleeve and inspect the whole plant. Avoid those with wilted or yellow leaves, which will not grow back by the holiday.

"What you see is what you get, so choose the healthiest plant," says Siemonsma. "If you pick one that's in good shape, it typically will last until the middle of January."

What temperature can poinsettias live in?

You'll definitely want to protect your poinsettia from the cold. If it's colder than the 50s when you buy your poinsettia, wrap it up as you transport it home, and don't leave it in the car while you run errands. Then, it's your best bet to keep this Christmas flower indoors.

"It's a tropical plant, so they don't tolerate cold at all," says Siemonsma.

6-Inch Red Poinsettia

6-Inch Red Poinsettia

6-Inch Red Poinsettia

$25 at Walmart

How do you care for a poinsettia?

Once you get it home, pull your poinsettia out of the protective plastic sleeve and foil pot cover. Drop it into a decorative pot, or poke holes in the foil cover for drainage and put a saucer underneath to catch excess water. But don't let it sit in water—no plant likes wet feet! It can cause the roots to rot.

To water your poinsettia, check the pot every five to seven days. The plants like moist soil, but water only when the soil surface is dry to the touch, says Siemonsma. Don't allow poinsettias to get so dry that they begin to wilt. Another way to tell if it's properly watered? Lift the pot! If it feels lightweight, you should probably add some moisture.

In terms of placement, indirect sunlight keeps poinsettias happy. Similarly, you don't want to place your plant near heaters and fireplaces. Poinsettias can thrive as green plants year-round; prune and fertilize yours and it could rebloom next Christmas!

However, you might not plan to keep it as a longterm houseplant plant. Maybe you just want to enjoy and discard it after the season passes! If that's the case, there's no need to fertilize or worry so much about light levels.

Are poinsettias poisonous?

Poinsettias are not poisonous, though the sticky sap can be irritating to people if you have a latex allergy, says Siemonsma. And though they're not seriously toxic for pets, according to the ASPCA, anything your pet ingests to excess can cause GI upset and vomiting—so keep this plant out of your furry friend's reach.

How do you get a poinsettia to rebloom?

If you're up for a challenge, you can try to get a poinsettia to bloom again.

"Poinsettias are photoperiodic, which means they need long nights and short days to initiate flowers," says Siemonsma. If you're willing to give it a shot, let it dry out a little after the holidays. The plant will drop leaves and go into a resting period. In March or April, plant it in a pot one size up; that is, if it's in a 6-inch container, transfer to an 8-inch one. Make sure the pot has drainage holes. Use regular or succulent potting soil, cut the poinsettia back by 2/3 of its size, and place in a south or east-facing window. After the danger of frost has passed, put it outdoors.

During the summer, feed it every other week with any houseplant fertilizer. Bring it indoors before nighttime temperatures drop below 60 degrees. By the end of September, start mimicking the daylight cycle by keeping it in bright window during the day with zero nighttime light, even from streetlights or computer screens. Or put it in a closet, then pull it out again in the morning. Your plant should start blooming in eight weeks or so, though it will never look the same way it did when you first got it because of changes that occur as the plant matures.

"But consider it a 'win' if you get it to flower at all," says Siemonsma. If this seems like too much effort, treat yourself to a new poinsettia next holiday season!

Dress Up Your Poinsettia With a Planter Pot
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Breakwater Bay Bunya Resin Nursery Pot
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Headshot of Arricca Elin SanSone
Arricca Elin SanSone

Arricca Elin SanSone has written about health and lifestyle topics for Prevention, Country Living, Woman's Day, and more. She’s passionate about gardening, baking, reading, and spending time with the people and dogs she loves.