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The 7 different types of boobs and what they say about your health

WE all look at ourselves in the mirror several times a day, but when was the last time you had a proper look at your boobs?

It's important that you take care of your breasts and learn how to spot warning signs of illness.

The chart above shows four different breast shapes and what they look like
The chart above shows four different breast shapes and what they look like
The image above shows what tear drop breast - this is one of the most sought after types of breasts people ask for
The image above shows what tear drop breast - this is one of the most sought after types of breasts people ask for

Everyone's boobs are different, and it's ok for them to have their own unique shape and size.

However, there are some standard shapes that could help you learn more about your health.

One expert previously revealed the different reasons as to why your breasts could be saggy - such as smoking and poor posture.

Here we take a look at the different types of boobs and what they could reveal about your overall wellbeing.

Read more on breasts

1. Teardrop

If you have teardrop breasts then they will likely be round, with the lower part being slightly fuller that the top.

This is a popular request for women looking to get breast enhancement surgery, as it's thought to be a 'natural look'.

2. Slender

Slender breasts are usually narrow - with the nipples pointing down.

Sometimes they can be associated with ageing - which is natural, as women get older, their breast tend to head slightly south.

It's important that as you age, you monitor your breasts for any changes.

Most breast cancers are found in women who are 50 years or older.

If you constantly slouch, then this will have an affect on your breasts as gravitational pull will accelerate the problem of breast sagging.

Dr Hakan Gundogan of the Clinic Center said you can't really feel it, but the pull impacts your Cooper's ligament and stretches it.

"Of course, this happens over a period of time," he said.

Dr Gundogan added that you should try and fix your posture and if you don't wear a bra then you might also experience sag earlier on.

What are the signs and symptoms of breast cancer?

According to Breast Cancer Now, the signs of breast cancer include:

  1. A lump or swelling in the breast, upper chest or armpit
  2. A change to the skin, such as puckering or dimpling
  3. A change in the colour of the breast – the breast may look red or inflamed
  4. A nipple change, for example it has become pulled in (inverted)
  5. Rash or crusting around the nipple
  6. Unusual liquid (discharge) from either nipple
  7. Changes in size or shape of the breast
  8. Pain in the breast or armpit - although this alone is not usually a sign of breast cancer, look out for persistent pain that's there all the time

You should see a doctor if you notice any change to the breast. Even though it probably is not cancer, catching it early will improve the odds of survival.

Sarah had secondary breast cancer, which is when cancer cells spread from the breast to other parts of the body. At this point, it is no longer curable.

The signs of this are:

  1. Feeling sick most of the time
  2. Severe or ongoing headaches
  3. A dry cough or feeling of breathlessness
  4. Any lumps or swellings under the arm, breastbone or collarbone
  5. Discomfort or swelling under the ribs or across the upper abdomen
  6. Loss of balance of any weakness or numbness of the limbs
  7. Pain in the bones which may worsen at night
  8. Feeling more tired than usual
  9. Altered vision or speech
  10. Unexpected weight loss, loss of appetite

3. Round

If you have round breasts then they have an equal amount of fullness at the top and bottom.

People with round breasts usually have larger mammory glands and while this might be the desired look - they can cause a host of health issues.

A previous study, published in the Open Orthopaedics Journal stated: "Breast-related shoulder-neck pain is thought to result from changes in the centre of gravity, and large or heavy breasts may lead to continuous tension on the middle and lower fibers of the trapezius muscle and on associated muscle groups."

Women with bigger breasts also experience issues such back and neck pain due to the extra weight they are carrying.

As well as this - many women with larger breasts struggle to find the correct size bra for them.

A 2013 study stated: "Increasing breast size and how a bra is worn may have biomechanical implications for the loaded thoracic spine and surrounding musculature."

How to check for breast cancer?

There is a five-step self exam you can do at home to check for any changes.

  • Step one: Begin by looking in a mirror, facing it with your arms on your hips and your shoulders straight. You should be looking for any dimpling, puckering, bulging skin, redness, soreness, a rash or changes in the nipple.
  • Step two: Still looking in the mirror, raise both arms above your head and check for the same changes.
  • Step three: With your arms still above your head, check for any fluid coming from the nipples. This can include milky, yellow or watery fluid, or blood.
  • Step four: While lying down use your opposite hand to check each breast. Using a few fingers, keeping them flat and together, go in a small circular motion around your breasts. Make sure you feel the entire breast by going top to bottom in these small circles. It helps to develop a system or pattern to make sure every inch is covered. Use light pressure for the skin and tissue just beneath, medium pressure for the tissue in the middle of your breasts, and firm pressure to feel the tissue at the back, feeling down to your ribcage.
  • Step five: Feel your breasts while either standing or sitting, using the same small circular motions.

4. Bell shape

If you have bell shaped breasts then they will be rounder at the bottom.

Experts say that this could cause a rash.

"Your breasts will rub against the skin on your abdomen, causing friction, moisture and heat.

"A sweat rash known as intertrigo, an infection caused by a yeast condition, will form.

"It will appear in the skin fold as red or reddish-brown, raw and itchy, cracked, and sore," experts at BuglinoPlasticSurgery say.

5. Athletic

If you have more of an athletic shape then it's likely you will have smaller breasts.

When it comes to your health, this could be a sign that you exercise or train on a regular basis which has benefits such as weight maintenance and a better quality of sleep.

If you have athletic breasts then it's likely they will be wider with more muscle and less breast tissue.

6. Asymmetrical

People who have asymmetrical breasts usually have one bigger than the other and this is common.

This can be down to a number of things such as trauma, puberty and hormonal changes.

Pregnancy is another condition which could mean your breasts change size.

Another medical condition includes atypical ductal hyperplasia which happens when the milk ducts in your breasts have excessive growth. 

The condition isn't cancer, but studies have shown that it can increase your risk of of the illness in the future.


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7. Tubular breasts

If you have tubular breasts then they are usually the same shape from the base of the breast to the end.

While this is usually anything to worry about, in some instances they can cause people severe anxiety or stress.