Pilot reveals the secrets of ‘alien base’ at Area 51

Gabriel Zeifman’s images show how the base has expanded in recent years
Gabriel Zeifman’s images show how the base has expanded in recent years

Such was the secrecy shrouding the military base known as Area 51 that the US government refused for decades to even acknowledge its existence.

The vacuum of information about the desert site in Nevada fostered conspiracy theories featuring crash-landing aliens, teleportation, tourism and a recent gathering of alien-spotters who urged Facebook followers to “Storm Area 51”. They never did.

Now, however, a pilot, Gabriel Zeifman, has taken a series of photographs of the base from his Cessna, approved by local air traffic controllers, and posted them online. He failed to expose little green men or flying saucers but the pictures of Area 51 and the adjoining Tonopah Test Range Airport revealed that whatever goes on inside has been hugely expanded in recent years.

Mr Ziefmann