12 Photos of Earth From Space That Will Remind You How Beautiful the Planet Is

Earth from Space
Photo: Tim Peake/Courtesy of ESA

Space may be the final frontier, but Earth is a great place to start. And from space, this planet we're on is a marvel. The International Space Station circles Earth at a speed of 17,150 miles per hour, completing an orbit about every 92 minutes. As it makes the rounds, it captures gorgeous images of oceans, deserts, ranges, and more. And it's not the only spacecraft sending us back images of the world we live on. As 2016 comes to a close, take a moment to revel in the how Earth looks so small and yet so expansive in these photos from space.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Taken by the Expedition 40 crew, aboard the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Greece, as seen from the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

The Indian Ocean, just east of the island of Madagascar, as seen from the Gemini-6 spacecraft.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of ESA
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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Detroit, Cleveland, and Toronto as seen from the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Taken during a night pass by the Expedition 40 crew aboard the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Tim Peake/Courtesy of ESA

ESA astronaut Tim Peake took this image of the U.K. and France from the Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of ESA

The Sentinel-2A satellite takes us over the Gibson Desert in Western Australia.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Acquired by NASA's Terra spacecraft, this image shows the west coast of Greenland, one of Earth's premiere incubators for icebergs.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Earth observation taken during night pass by an Expedition 36 crew member on board the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Courtesy of NASA

Taken by the Expedition 36 crew on board the International Space Station.

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Earth from Space
Tim Peake/Courtesy of ESA

Tim Peake took this picture during his six-month Principia on the International Space Station.

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