Robert Pattinson Has Been Secretly Designing Clothes

Yes, that Robert Pattinson.
This image may contain Robert Pattinson Human Person Fashion Premiere Coat Suit Clothing Overcoat and Apparel
By Mike Coppola/Getty Images

If you were Robert Pattinson, recovering Twilight heartthrob, what would you do? Load a rowboat full of franchise money and sail off into the sunset? Hole up somewhere until the world has forgotten you played a movie vampire? Sign on to a few artsy indies? Or would you accept a lucrative contract with Dior and segue into fashion design? Because Pattinson has opted for the last route in his Hollywood “choose your own adventure.”

In a new interview, the actor reveals that he has branched out into other creative fields—specifically fashion.

“I’ve started making clothes,” Pattinson tells Numéro magazine. “For the last two years, I’ve been visiting producers and craftsmen. There’s already quite a few pieces. I love doing it. My style is influenced by the cities I go to, sourcing fabrics and local skills.”

So what type of aesthetic might Pattinson’s forthcoming fashion collection entail?

“In Los Angeles it’s really easy to work with denim and do workwear inspired clothes,” the actor says. “In England I look more towards wool and knitwear. What I do is pretty multifaceted, clothes for men and for women, things that I make with friends. . . . But I’m not going into too much detail, I don’t want to jinx anything.”

While he declined to say more about his clothing project, Pattinson did reveal that he will be expanding his collaboration with Dior (where he is the face of the Homme fragrance) to include fashion ads.

“Our collaboration is even extending to clothes starting this year,” Pattinson adds. “The first campaign comes out in April. I just feel super relaxed in that atmosphere, there’s nothing corporate about it.”

In the meantime, Pattinson is continuing acting, with a few projects lined up including ones with French director Claire Denis and experimental Spring Breakers filmmaker Harmony Korine. Pattinson realizes, though, that it might still take some time for the world to associate him with anything other than Twilight.

“I guess that the public have a certain image of me,” Pattinson concedes. “I still feel like I need to prove myself. I haven’t had enough lead roles for people to associate me with something else, to see me in a different light. In the meantime I’m taking my own route, always with diversity in mind.”