Camel spiders aren't really spiders at all

From Staff Reports
TRYING TO HIDE: Camel spiders, also known as sun spiders, sun scorpions and wind scorpions, are commonly seen in the Mojave Desert. They only come out in the evening and at night during spring and summer months because of their fear of the sun.

They're as big as dinner plates. They can run at speeds of up to 30 mph. Their bite is extremely dangerous. They feed off the stomachs of camels.

These are just some of the myths surrounding the camel spider.

Camel spiders, also known as sun spiders, wind spiders or wind scorpions, are not really spiders at all.

First found in the Middle East and later in sandy areas of the southwest United States and Mexico, the creature is actually a solifugae, meaning "those that flee from the sun" in Latin.

Nearly 900 species have been discovered so far.

They're called camel spiders because they were originally found in regions where camels are native, not because the spiders feed on the stomachs of camels.

The spiders are commonly seen in the Mojave Desert during spring and summer months because they're afraid of cold weather.

Camel spiders are usually beige to brown in color, and they have very hairy legs and body. Males are usually smaller than females, with longer legs.

Different stories about these creatures began to spread during the Gulf War and resurfaced at the beginning of the Iraq War in 2003.

The creatures are usually about 6 inches in length. They can run at about 10 mph, which is fast when compared to the speed of other similar-sized creatures, but nowhere near the mythical 30 mph.

They can bite only in case of self-defense, when they were disturbed, and it's rather painful. Of course, it's necessary to consult a doctor immediately after being bitten by a camel spider, especially if the kind of a spider is unknown. But bite victims should remember that they're not venomous and there's no chance of death directly caused by the bite, although there's a risk of infection. They are nocturnal creatures, so they hunt at night and look for shade during the day. Camel spiders are not dangerous for people. Spiders will approach any shade if they have an opportunity, including human shadows, and this gives the impression they are following and even attacking humans. They're simply trying to hide from the sun.
