
Tag Archives: desperate dan

dandyannualChristmas day is a week today and I’ve realised I haven’t talked about this years Dandy Annual!

That’s right folks, rumours of the Dandy’s demise are false and Britains oldest comic continues to entertain readers of all ages.


Brassneck and Charlie help out Santa. Art © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd.

I’m pleased to say I was able to contribute some stories and art to this years book, returning to an old favourite, Brassneck!

The barmy bolt brain stars in 4 stories with guest appearances from Bully Beef and Santa Claus, and a two page feature giving you the chance to design your very own robot buddy!

Not only that, Brassneck meets his maker in an action packed tale which threatens the end for the Dandy’s robot chum. Can Charlie and his pals save Brassneck? Pick up a copy this Christmas to find out.

The book is also packed with all your Dandy faves, it’s a great read, wrapped in a lovely cover by veteran DCT artist Ken H. Harrison.

So I hope you all enjoy it and have a very merry Christmas!

All art © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd.

Brassneck, meets his maker, in this years Dandy Annual!

Brassneck, meets his maker, in this years Dandy Annual! Art © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd.


dan079 copyWell here we are. The final print issue of The Dandy is out today. 100 page special featuring 75 stories and characters from throughout the comics 75 year history. But it’s not the end because THE DANDY DIGITAL comic also launches today with a FREE taster issue.

Dan is still getting to grips with these new fangled devices though! Enjoy!

I’m pleased to announce the brand new Dandy Annual is available now! Can you wait for Father Christmas to bring you one? Of course not!

The book features among many other classic favourites, Brassneck and Peter’s Pocket Grandpa comic strips written and drawn by me. I was really thrilled to be asked to work on both these characters and enjoyed working on these comic strips immensely. I hope you enjoy them too.

Here are some pics! Brassneck & Peter’s Pocket Grandpa artwork © DC Thomson & Co. Ltd

Blundercats leap into action again in this weeks Dandy, and the strip ends in a gripping cliffhanger! The issue is bagged with some gifts and will be on the shelves for a few weeks over the easter hols which means… You’ve got to wait ages to find out what happens next to our heroes?

Here’s a little teaser clip

This issue also debuts Mega-Lo Maniacs the new strip by warped genius Jamie Smart (I don’t think he’ll mind me calling him that… will he?). The Maniacs feature on the cover and there is some great design work going on in this strip. Check out Jamie’s Blog to see some designs.

More soon! 😉

The Blundercats have invaded comic shelves across the country! The Dandy issue 3576 is out now.
And check out the cover! Not only my first cover art for The Dandy, but featuring my blundering heroes!

Great timing too because as of today Panini comics release a brand new Thundercats comic! So the two comics will share shelf space side by side!

Below is a short clip from the comic strip. I hope folks like it. I’ve had a lot of fun writing and drawing it!

I also have two more strips coming soon in The Dandy so more news on those soon.

Blundercats art ©DC Thomson & Co. Ltd

Attention comics fans! This Wednesday sees the release of The Dandy issue 3576. Which will launch the start of my new full page series BLUNDERCATS!

As you can probably guess from the title, it’s a parody on the popular rebooted cartoon series, Thundercats. I’m having immense fun writing and drawing these strips, I hope the readers enjoy it too.

I’ll tease a few images over the next few days but first up is my original character sketch, which accompanied my initial pitch to the Dandy ed.


Time for a bit of a catch up on the blogging front. It’s been a bit quiet around these parts of late. The reason being, I’ve been really busy. Putting in some long hours on various projects. So here I am ready to spill the beans on a few of the things I’ve been working on.

First up: Gimme a Burger.
I was fortunate enough to win the contract to design a mascot for a new Burger restaurant now open in sunny Florida, Gimme a Burger. The character we collectively arrived at was Jimmie deWolf.
This job quickly bloomed into a lot more work, as I found myself designing menus, adverts, poster boards and the website. Most fun of all was producing some comics to advertise the place. Here is the first comic below…


Artwork copyright ©Gimme a Burger

Next up was The Dandy Annual 2013 which has been an absolute blast to work on this time around. I’ve mentioned it briefly before on the blog and I still don’t want to disclose which characters I have been writing and drawing for. I will say that the book looks as though it’s going to be a real homage to the Dandy’s rich history and some real blasts from the past are set to return. One of the characters I’ve worked with is a real oldie in every sense of the word. None of this character’s strips have yet to be added to DC Thomson’s digital archives, and I had to ask for some scans of a few of the original strips to be emailed over to me to jog my memory about what the character was all about. I couldn’t find anything about him online at all!
The second Dandy annual character is a real classic and has appeared more recently. In fact he was in the 2012 annual although this is the first time I’ve got to work with him! I hope to do more it was great fun.
Anyway without giving away the characters identities (I know, I’m mean aren’t I!) I’ve included  a couple of sneak peaks…
This coming Wednesday The Dandy should carry a trailer for my next series for the weekly, which will start the following week. Can’t wait to talk about this one, it’s very exciting! The issue it launches in will also have the characters starring on the front cover!
So along with this new series and a couple more new strips in production I should be sticking around in The Dandy for a while now. If you haven’t checked the comic out yet then please do, it really is a cracking read. Very funny, fresh, bright and original. Available from newsagents and supermarkets (I get mine in ASDA!) or subscribe direct from DC Thompson online for only a pound per issue! WINNER!
So I should be back soon with news of that new Dandy strip later in the week. Stay tuned folks!
Artwork copyright ©DC Thompson & Co ltd.

Blimey! In my previous post I mentioned I was working on 3, 2 page strips for the Dandy Annual 2013. Well I’m pleased to say that I was later asked to take on another 3 strips, so 12 pages in all! I’ve had great fun writing for some real classics from the archives. Both characters I’m working on are new ones for me. I’m bursting to tell which characters but I’ll keep their identities under my hat for a bit longer.

I’ve really relished the opportunity to write these stories and I’m very proud of what I’ve done. Still got all the pages to colour but scripts and inked pages are complete and have been OK’d by Dandy ed Craig.

It’s been a great start to 2012 and I’m looking forward to following up this work with some new pitches which will hopefully see me back in the pages of The Dandy weekly very soon.
