Eliot Caine ~ 26 ~ they/them ~ Spider Enthusiast, Illustrator

FAQ Arachnophobia Help Picture Book Spider Myths
Orange Spider in Costa Rica


Hi.  We have this spider in our house.  We usually capture and release unwanted arachnids, but this one looks a bit intimidating.  It is 1.5 inches head to abdomen, holds two front legs up when provoked (though only on one side–it only has 3 on the other side) , and has reddish underlegs.  


We are in Nosara, on the Nicoya peninsula, in the rainforest, 2km up the hill from the beach. How much caution do I need to use to move it back out and down to the forest?

Patti and I had an awesome conversation about huntsman spiders many months ago and we both were working to track down an ID. The closest I was able to come is a guess, but I feel pretty good about calling him Olios. The species is even trickier since there aren’t many (or any, in some cases) photos of the three Olios species described as occurring in Costa Rica.

I feel like O. obscurus could be a match, going by these sad little pictures. But I just can’t find enough information. Huntsman spiders can be intimidating, but they’re all harmless and aren’t prone to biting unprovoked.

Oh and there’s an awesome video of probably the same spider, here!

Thank you, Patti, for sharing these beautiful photos!

Sooooo pretty!

Posted 8 years ago | 40 notes | via

  1. ephemeraww reblogged this from sir-p-audax
  2. majinpiccolo said: LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE MASSIVE SPIDER!!! Soooooo cute!
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  6. lophiusdragon reblogged this from sir-p-audax and added:
    So cute and fuzzy! :D
  7. sir-p-audax reblogged this from spiderask and added:
    Sooooo pretty!
  8. irons-in-the-web said: Such a bright, beautiful color.
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