The Oil Stork Just Delivered My Baby Frantz! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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The Oil Stork Just Delivered My Baby Frantz!


Explorer Addict
January 25, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Queens, New York and living in Budd Lake, NJ now.
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 Explorer XLS 4.0 4x4
She is a beauty!!!!! Cant wait to install her.

I am currently running a Perma Cool Dual remote setup. I have a bypass Filter (B50) and a full flow installed. The perma cool dual remote setup does not have the restrictor valve in it (Amsoil dual setup does) which helps make some backpressure to flow a bypass spin on effectively. I was not sure how effectively my bypass spin on was filtering. It does get hot just after the full flow. The baldwin B50 is rated for 5microns, but I wanted to get the best filtration as possible. So I decided to go ahead and buy the Frantz Bypass setup. You can find them on ebay as just a filter purchase, but your gonna need lines and fittings. You will most likely end up back at Frantz web site purchasing them. This is a new up to date kit and came with everything for the install. It also cam with the punch and self tapping hollow bolt, so I can return filtered oil to the pan.

What I will do is from a spare port feed my frantz bypass filter and a mechanical pressure oil guage. Then I will remove the B50 bypass spin on and re-install the 3/4 16 nipple back into my perma cool dual remote unit. I then can run 2 full flow B2 filters with 8-11lb bypass valves (wix 51515).

This is a complete kit and NOTHING extra is needed to be bought.

Will take pictures as I set it up. That should occur this saturday..or later today I should


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I installed this setup at 73434 miles. I installed 2 Pure One PL30001 into my Perma Cool Dual remote setup. I took out the bypass threaded nipple and reinstalled the 3/4 16 threaded nippled back in. I filled up with about 8 quarts of Pennzoil Platinum 5W30. I have just over 74500 miles now (1066 miles on filters) and the oil is looking very good. Looks like the TP filter is doing a excellent job. I will be sending in a sample for analysis at the 2k mile mark.
On the left is Virgin PP 5w30 and the right after 1066 miles. An analysis will tell me if my nice looking oil has any wear issues floating around in it, but for now this looks pretty good.


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dont let the EPA see that on your drive way lol.

this might be a dumb ??? but could you please explain the overall advantage of having this installed and if it is necessary with the explorer...thx

No question is dumb if your willing to learn.

IT is a bypass filter using TP style or TP (toilet paper) element.
A small percent of your full flow oil i sent into this filter and filters down below 1 micron. This will keep your oil clean. I am using Scotts 1000 toilet paper.
Bypass filtration has been around for a very long time, but is now really becoming recognized again. Particles that damage engines are smaller than the size a full flow spin on filter captures. Bypass filters capture these particles/ sludge and some water.

Here is a link. Lots of reading on Bypass filters and what are the benefits.

Another link from another site with pictures.


Frantz Bypass Filter Installed Pictures

My first analysis will be sent in to Blackstone Labs.
I have 75k miles on the truck and 1600 miles on the oil (Pennzoil Platinum 5w30).
Its a little early on the oil, but wanted to see what the oil was looking like.

Here are some pics of the install. I am feeding the bypass filter from the port After the oil passes through the full flows. I returned the clean oil back via the filler cap. So far with 1600 miles on oil, I have no issues with oil in my intake.


I have 2 filters sitting right behind there. I have 2 Pure One filters on a Perma_cool Dual remote.


This is the adapter and hoses that feed the dual filter mount

This is the returned oil hose from the bypass filter.

When plumbing the lines I was able to follow the ac lines along the right fender to the bypass filter. Where I thought my lines would encounter movement or chaffing, I zip tied a larger diameter hose around the main line.

I also fed my Mechanical guage from a brass fitting on the high pressure side (input side) of filter. This will be me actual pressure going to the engine since its the pressure after going pass 2 full flow filters.

This was not a writeup, just a posting after my install of some time.
If you wish to pursue bypass filtration You can take many avenues.

If I did not have a remote filter setup already, I could have bought a sandwich adapter from (makers of Frantz filter) and feEd it like pictured below, with the adapter in between the full flow and block.


If anyone has any questions post them here or pm me.

I know bad trucku for not doing a proper writeup with my install.
That goes for my external tranny filter too.
