Rebecca Marder



Rebec­ca Marder made her first for­ays into act­ing at age 10. She notably appeared in Éric Civanyan’s 2007 Kid Pow­er and Rose­lyne Bosch’s 2010 The Round Up, and in 2011 won the Most Promis­ing Actress Award at the La Rochelle TV Dra­ma Fes­ti­val for her por­tray­al of the title role in Alain Tasma’s tele­vi­sion movie Emma. After train­ing at the 13th Arrondisse­ment Con­ser­va­to­ry in Paris, she was admit­ted to the Nation­al The­atre of Stras­bourg, then joined the Comédie-Française in June 2015, there­by becom­ing the troupe’s youngest salaried actress since Isabelle Adjani. She has per­formed there con­tin­u­ous­ly while simul­ta­ne­ous­ly pur­su­ing her career in film and tele­vi­sion. In 2018, she filmed A Man in a Hur­ry along­side Fab­rice Luchi­ni and Leïla Bekhti, then was direct­ed by Philippe Fau­con in the minis­eries Proud for Arte. The fol­low­ing year, she appeared in Cédric Klapisch’s Some­one, Some­where, before play­ing Isabelle Huppert’s daugh­ter in Jean-Paul Salomé’s Mama Weed. In 2020, she took part in Suzanne Lindon’s first film Spring Blos­som. That year, she also appeared in Arnaud Desplechin’s Decep­tion, and San­drine Kiber­lain offered her the title role in her film A Radi­ant Girl, pre­sent­ed in a spe­cial screen­ing at Cannes Crit­ics’ Week in 2021. After film­ing Not My Type with Michel Leclerc, Rebec­ca Marder round­ed out the year 2022 with Olivi­er Dahan’s Simone: Woman of the Cen­tu­ry. In spring 2023, the actress appeared in Noémie Lvovsky’s The Great Mag­ic, François Ozon’s The Crime is Mine and Syl­vain Desclous’ Great Expec­ta­tions.

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