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Hooters Airline

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Hooters Air was an airline headquartered in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. Hooters Air flights were operated by Winston-Salem, North Carolina based Pace Airlines

The carrier was marketed towards golfers in an effort to bring casual and tournament players to Myrtle Beach's 100+ championship golf courses. Two "Hooters Girls," dressed in their restaurant uniforms, were on each flight assisting the (traditionally attired) cabin crews with hospitality duties.
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  1. stefke7:17
  2. delaniej7:40
  3. Seventy_Two8:31
  4. LarryC8:38
  5. jimbob779:15
  6. GatoGordo10:24
  7. cjvaillan11:02
  8. Tex_puzz11:08
  9. sirpale12:25
  10. eddiel12:28


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