Math Pixel ART!

Creativity Brings Out the Fun in Math 

If you haven't used math pixel art yet with your kids, you could be missing out on a really cool, enjoyable, hands-on way to engage them as they learn, build, and or review important math skills!

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Why Math Pixel Art?

You may not need convincing, since you've landed on this page - but here are a few good reasons just in case...

  • It's Visually Appealing i.e., kids think it's Cool!: Math Pixel Art is a colorful and visual appealing way to captivate young learners as they learn math. 
  • It's Hands-on / Creative: Creating pixel art requires children to actively participate in the learning process, allowing them to exercise their creativity and problem-solving skills. 
  • It Helps Reinforce Math Concepts: Math pixel art serves as a powerful tool for reinforcing key mathematical concepts. This hands-on approach solidifies their understanding and helps build a strong foundation in mathematics.

Ready to combine the fun of pixel art with the power of math to help  kids learn and enjoy math. Let's get started...

How Does Math Pixel Art Work?

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Well, you may already know the answer to that question, and maybe that's why you landed on this page...

Either way, math pixel art is fun for kids! The pixel art is based on a grid system where each square represents a pixel. After answering some math problems, students use the color code sheet and color in one square (pixel) for each problem solved, to create a cool picture, all developing their math skills and having creative fun!

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Let's Get the Kids Creating Some Math Pixel Art!

Choose one of the mystery math pixel art grids below and let the math art begin! Kids will get a kick of of uncovering what picture is revealed, as they work the math problems and color in the pixels. Let their imaginations run wild.


Not too much prep work here... Just print off the problems and the color code sheets, and let the fun begin. Here are your instructions below.


  • Complete the problems in each of the boxes.
  • After problems, students will then use the pixel color sheets to let them know where to fill, and what color to use for each pixel.

The color code sheets have boxes with a number the top of each box as seen in the picture below:

C stands for column, and R stands for row.

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In the example above, the student colors the pixel where Row 10 and Column 10 intersect. In the picture below, I've highlighted Row 10 and Column 10. The intersection where they meet is the location of the pixel that should be colored.

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Ready, Set, Let's Go....

Double-Digit Addition 1  

Double-Digit Addition 1 Solution

The double digit addition math pixel art link above is the first of plenty that we'll add to this page in the very near future, so be sure to check back or even sign up to our newsletter and get our updates.

What Kind of Math Would You Like for Your Math Pixel Art?

  • Addition

  • Subtraction

  • Multiplication

  • Division

  • Maybe Fractions

  • Something Else?

Just let's us know by leaving a quick reply as to what you'd like...

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