This evergreen perennial herb is originally from all parts of Asia. The peppery taste of the leaves is great for salads, soups and garnishes. Vietnamese mint is very easy to start from stem cuttings and its purplish foliage makes the herb a highly ornamental choice for your garden.

How to grow vietnamese mint in a garden

  1. Choose a sunny or part shade spot in your garden with well drained soil. Enrich with Yates Thrive Natural Blood & Bone with Seaweed.
  2. Plant the stems out at 5 cm intervals. Cover lightly with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix and water well.
  3. Water regularly. Once new leaves emerge, feed weekly with Yates Thrive Natural Fish Seaweed+ Plant Food Concentrate.
  4. Harvest by cutting with scissors back to the hard woody stems – this will also help encourage leafier growth.



How to grow vietnamese mint in a pot

  1. Choose a pot at least 300 mm wide and deep and position in a sunny or part shade spot. Fill with quality potting mix, such as Yates Premium Potting Mix
  2. Plant the stems out at 5 cm intervals. Cover lightly with Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix and water well.
  3. Water regularly. Once new leaves emerge, feed weekly with Yates Thrive Natural Fish Seaweed+ Plant Food Concentrate
  4. Harvest by cutting with scissors back to the hard woody stems – this will also help encourage leafier growth.

Growing tips

  • Submerge the pots in water to keep the soil moist
  • In very cold weather, growth may be slower and harvest times will take a little longer 
  • Cut back in winter to encourage more new growth

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Recommended products

Yates Premium Potting Mix

A premium potting mix, ideal for all potted plants and shrubs, including ornamentals, fruit trees, vegies and herbs.

Yates Black Magic Seed Raising Mix

Specially formulated for trouble-free seed raising in trays (or outdoor seed sowing direclty into the ground) and propagation of cuttings.